The Motivated Blogger Doing Your Best Without Even Trying


October 27, 2010 , , ,

The Mad Blogger, slaving endlessly over a hot edit, is the typical picture of the hardcore blogger. This is where the jagged edges of the net, the rants, regurgitations and revelations originate, you’d think. Well, actually, no they don’t. The best blogs are based on something more than publishing your neuroses, however adorable. They’re based on a combination of motivation, talent, skills, and usually some good Search Engine Optimization which the ranters and ravers would be well advised to learn.

The blogging motif

Bloggers tend to gravitate to their primary areas of interest. That’s real motivation, not the tedious and unconvincing type of external motivation which rarely does much more than disturb the peace of mind of people trying to work.

The fact is that your talents, skills and interests are a much better guide to your abilities as a blogger than any amount of painfully learned irritating techniques. The expert is a person that can teach effortlessly. Some don’t even know they’re doing it. Although for bloggers this occasionally leads to the description “writes like an expert”, which can mean incomprehensible to some people, in most cases the blogger writes to people at their own level of knowledge.

Some bloggers do go to great lengths to ensure that novices and others can understand their materials, and even prepare “induction courses” to ensure that their audience can follow their blots.

The “blogging motif”, however, is the overall tone and scope of the blog, and the way it’s presented. Another description would be the character of the blog, and its general accessibility to users.

There’s a basic dichotomy in blogs:

Some are all-purpose, highly evolved blogs, with a complete archive, lots of background, and links everywhere to explain the issues. In big, multi-faceted blogs covering a large range of subjects, the blog can be pretty complex, and the “blog motif” is sometimes submerged in the vast array of materials.

The other type of blog tends to be more personal in nature, and the blogger tries hard to provide a personalized touch, including rather selflessly trying to provide the support materials themselves. Some of these blogs are excellent, although the amount of work involved can be horrendous in some cases, particularly in the case of technical blogs in which the materials required for references are extraordinarily complex.

Experts, however, are extremely highly motivated people. It’s not really work to them, it’s their passion. Their subjects are things they love, and they manage to present their blogs in the best possible styles, ensuring that their much loved topics and subjects are seen as favourably as possible. This personal touch is generally highly appreciated by their audiences, which react to the high level of empathy with the subject, and the invariably valuable advice experts can provide.

Find the subject you love, where you know you can perform effortlessly forever and never get tired of your subject matter. Learn SEO and how to manage your page rankings, and you’ll never look back.


29 thoughts on “The Motivated Blogger Doing Your Best Without Even Trying”
    1. Thanks Shabnam motivation is something that every blogger needs and motivation comes from every where and yes it is a vital component in a bloggers life.

  1. I am a full time blogger. Daily, I maintain about 7 blogs with unique content and different information. It’s very difficult to do all these things without good motivation. I think you must have a different character to be able to obtain the attention of your visitors on your blog.

    1. Keeping your readers attention is something i try my best to do not just through writing great post but also through networking and supporting each others blog. Thanks a lot for your comment and continued support

  2. Motivation is indeed very much vital in maintaining blogs. If you are not blogging about what you are interested in or what you love, in the long run, the burn-out will set in. With the right kind of motivation though, the chance of this happening is low.

    Cool post. Thanks.

    – Wes –

    1. It is alwaya adviseable to stick with the topic that you love not just write about a topic because every one else is the more you love and know the topic and love it the better you will stay interesting in it Good point Melbourne web design

  3. Like always, amazing and inspirational.

    I see my self in the last group, not that much of an expert people make me to be but I write with a passion and without efforts as I know my subject very well. But I wasn’t born that way, I had to learn, but again, I learned because of the passion and because that passion drove me to learn and love what I do, and that is being an SEO consultant and a blogger 🙂

    1. zarko Zarko you are been modest here i have visited your blog almost daily and there is wealth of imformation to gain and you are a very motivated blogger from my point of veiw Thanks for your comment

  4. It’s really a nice and cool post.Interest really play a big role in blogging which tends as to go into deep analyzation of our topic.It also help us to get more knowledge about a particular topic and the interpretation also play a big role thereby providing an attractive blog to users.

    1. Hi lalitha welcome to my blog and thanks for your warm words i do hope that your visit here is not short lived and must say i am happy to have you here thanks again for stopping by your are always welcome here.

  5. Interesting one. The motivated blogger – It means a lot. Nothing works without motivation. And it works magically well if you are self-motivated. For me, it is very much the same. I have been blogging for long and have been through lots of ups and downs but I didn’t care. Instead I was self-motivated to give in my best. Yes, you are very much correct in saying that we should all find a perfect niche to blog upon instead of beating around the bushes. Once you have found your niche then you must keep researching on getting right content and should work to build a network of fellow bloggers having similar interest as yours. Get involved, comment on each others blogs, chat with them…you will never feel demotivated then. Once you have this motivation thing building up then you can find yourself much better with this blogging thing.

    1. You are a well self motivated blogger Aswani you know your trade and you play your game right i strongly don’t think you lack motivation i can tell by your writing Thanks for your inspirational comment

  6. I personally believe that giving your own style in the blog is necessary to succeed. If it’s something you believe into and you like it. Doesn’t matter whether you are expert or not, lots of people with no article writing skills have succeeded because they gave their personal tone to the blog.
    People love to read these personalized-in some way- articles.

    1. i must take this opportunity to welcome you to my blog and yes you have made a valuable point here having your own unique style is the key to succeed your write style and writing tone is important to brand your self as a unique blogger.

  7. What i have seen most often is that bloggers start with the subject in which they are expert. But after sometime they feel exhausted and think that they have shared everything they know, that’s why i think they move towards other areas.

    1. That could be true but sometimes we as bloggers try to catch on with what are currently been mentioned online it is a way to be a bit current or sometimes we come across topics of interest and decide to share it with our readers.

  8. Hi lawmacs:

    I see you are doing great and writing out standing blog post. This blog post is really good.
    You are at the best spot when you are motivated to work with your blog with a passion. Just keep up the work and you will be where you want to be.

    All the best


    1. Thanks Fran your kind words are very motivation and with comments like these it gives more motivation to keep on writing thanks a lot for you comments.

    1. Seo is at the heart of every blogger that is one of the best way to gain organic traffic from search engines and help to out weight the competition thanks for your comment

  9. For me, becoming a successful blogger is a lifelong learner. One should never stop learning. They find what is unique about them, develop it, and blow it out of proportion to turn it into a complete business.

  10. Another Awesome Post Lawmacs, I have always found you Selecting the Unique Topic. Your Website is Very Useful for Learning New Things.

    Conroy James

  11. Very interesting. I’d say that blogging is one of the most effective ways to market products over the internet.
    Thanks for sharing!

  12. Do you have blog? You will succedd if you work many hours and make your real personal content! Copy posts from others is the mistake a lot of people do..

  13. You made a great points here with lots of information, I agree all the facts that you said here. Motivation is really important to have as a blogger, I am new to blogging and I have a strong motivation.

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