I just love Sundays’ do you? Every Sunday i feature my weekly ramblings and sharing some fantastic post that have been shared on the web, some you might have seen some you might have not. The best way to get your post featured here is to visit this blog and support the conversations here or simple recommend a post to me and i will include it here in the next “Round Up” just on a quick note the ramblings seems to continue about the Google Panda/Farmer update. Did you know that Round provides a natural way for your blog to gain back links?
(1) Biggest Google Failures so far – Google Graveyard – There is not a soul in the modern world that hasn’t heard about Google. We as web masters and SEO’s heavily depend upon the all might Google for our piece of income and out future, so what would happen if Google itself was to become another Google failure and join the already full Google Graveyard? here is a great Info graphics by people from Word Stream, enjoy!
(2) Dealing with Google Panda in easy to follow simple steps – A lot is being written about Google panda these days. I am still to feel anything in relation with the same. Yes, Panda as being written about deals with some major updates in Google search algorithm. This update is believed to have taken very recently and interestingly, instead of being taken positively, this update has welcomed fair amount of criticism from those affected. Google Panda was designed to push high-quality sites up and demolish low-quality “content farms, and quite rightly,
(3) To buy or not to buy…..that is the question? – This is part of my Patricia’s Ponderings as I ask a few questions and hopefully arrive at some answers. As always, your thoughts and comments will be appreciated. Many of you add valuable input to each post. I’m sure this will be no exception. Marketing & Business Support Group My regular readers know I am now concentrating on marketing blogs and learning as much as I can about marketing my products.
(4) Can Google Detect Spun Content? A Case Study – I am conducting a massive test as we speak on this very subject. I have two article directories on my blog. One is a static directory and the other one is a spinner directory. I will not post links to them, because I don’t want to get in trouble here. I have a particular seed of moderate quality planted in my spinner directory that shows a unique spin every time the browser is refreshed along with the HTML.
(5) How to Get Thousands of Visitors and User Sign-ups in a Day – Today was quite an exciting day – mainly because I was already excited to write this post up just after waking up. What I think I felt this morning was destiny talking to me directly. I guess the perfect way to begin this short story is to start off with how the day started. My morning routine is not quite unusual; it usually starts with me going online on Skype, checking my mail, my new Twitter account, my blog’s dashboard and smoking my first stick of the day.
(6) What to Do When You Are Not in the Mood – Here’s the situation. You have a blog post, eBook, article, etc. that you want to write about. Maybe you just thought of it, maybe it was assigned to you, or maybe it’s been a topic sitting on your “to be written about” list for ages. So you’ve sat down, you’re looking at that blank text entry field. And nothing happens. Maybe you type in a few words, maybe you just stare at the emptiness.You are just not in the mood to write this content.
There is it for this weeks’ Sunday Post Round some great stuff and some new comers here too lets share these post and keep on eye out will give on update soon on the Digg experiment. That’s it for this week Round Up have a great week a head. Sharing is caring so spread the love.
Thanks again bro for sharing these valuable resources and many thanks for putting up my link there. Glad you found it useful and informative and I hope others too will find it the same way. Keep blogging and have a nice week..:)
That is not a problem Aswani i am glad that you found the post useful and yes your post was worth the mentioned That is was Sunday Post Round Up is all about Thanks for your input.
Hi Gary
Thanks for the mention. Appreciate you sharing my post on Pawel’s guide to winning new clients/customers. Hope people will visit his blog as there is heaps to learn for those serious about growing their business.
Have a great week Gary and thanks again for the mention.
Patricia Perth Australia
Thanks Patricia for taking the time to add your voice to the debate here and you too do have a great week ahead your comment and support is much appreciated.
Another useful round up
I liked 2nd and 3rd link.
Have a great week ahead
Thanks Shabnam i do hope you have a great week ahead and enjoy the easter holidays. Thanks for your continued support
Interesting. Thanks.
Hi Anatasia welcome to my blog and thanks for taking the time to add your voice to the debate i am happy that you found the post interesting. Thanks again for your visit and iput.
Thanks for sharing your weekly round up. I like the Google panda dealing steps. Your blog post gives the excellent valid points. I wish to follow your blog regularly.
Thanks Tessa i am flattered to know that you intend to follow my blog regularly who knows one day you migh be featured here in Round Up. You comment is much appreciated.
Just got back from a long vacation, and I was still surprised that I made it to your recent round up! Thanks Gary!
Really liked the case study by thebitbot, been thinking of making the same study as well.
Hey Jason hope you had a good one Thanks for taking the time out to add your voice to the debate Your post belong here at Round Up
Hi Gary,
I really like your Sunday roundups. In this list of yours, it seems it’s mostly about Google. The article “How to Get Thousands of Visitors and User Signups in a Day” really intrigued me.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Felicia it is not only about Google however the Google panda/Farmer update is really kicking up a storm among bloggers and website owners at the moment .Thanks for your input
……April 13 2011 By ……If you are not yet aware Google rolled out the second phase of its Panda update this week with similar results across the globe that happened on Google.com in February. They also made some tweaks to the U.S. version..What this update continues to show us is that Google is looking for ways to stamp out spam in the form of spinners copy and pasted content and stolen content. Since much of this behavior is found on what are now termed content farms these type of sites were targeted..You need to be honest with yourself that Squidoo is a content farm. It is group site that is collecting content written by numerous authors. Some of the content on Squidoo is excellent but there is still a lot of abuse and stolen or plagiarized content..This is why Squidoo is trying to come down hard on duplicate content at least that is what they say they are doing..In order to protect your lenses you can review them and look for some specific vulnerable areas that will show up first when Squidoo is searching for plagiarized content..
Yeah Realize it but the work must go on some benefit from the panda update and some don’t however we look at it we need Search Engines to pick up or website and showcase them to potential readers.
Thanks for sharing these. I really like this article “Can Google Detect Spun Content? A Case Study” You’re a genius!Hope to read more of your informative articles.