Round Up- Google Panda


March 26, 2011 , ,

This is “Round Up” for this week as you might have seen that one of the most popular topic floating around the web today is about Google Farmer/Panda update where some loose and some gain. I must take the time to let you know that i am moving web host this is long overdue and with the latest incident where my website was hacked i believe that it is time to make the move. The reason why i am letting you all aware is in the event you experience any difficulty accessing my website it is just a mere formality.

According to Google the panda update was design to get more relevant search results for web surfers and getting away with websites to duplicate contents from other websites. Well done Goole and hats off however, this left me with one unanswered question. Why are these sites displaying Ad sense ads? would it be better to take away that from them they are earning from this. I strongly believe that whenever we are going to make any change we should start with the man in the mirror. Here is a quote from Google’s official blog “Our goal is simple: to give people the most relevant answers to their queries as quickly as possible. This requires constant tuning of our algorithms, as new content—both good and bad—comes online all the time. “

Here are a few of the Ramblings from the Web

(1) Google Drops the Bomb on Content Farms… and the Fallout Continues Let’s face it: these days, when someone says they’re going to search something online, they might as well go ahead say they’re going to “Google it.” The stats clearly show that Google has no real competitors in computer based searching, and when it comes to mobile search, the two words are truly synonymous at an astonishing 97% going to Google. As a result, when the search engine giant targets you as an undesirable search result, its’ a big deal

(2) Google’s Algorithmic Change-Did You Get Hit? You may already know by now that Google made a big Algorithm change last month. I didn’t realize how severe this change had been until I kept reading new posts on the same subject from the blogging fraternity. It’s also the first time I’ve seen Google openly announced an algorithm change so publicly and fiercely if I might add too. Here is what is said from

(3) Google Panda Update Causes 40% Traffic Loss for Websites. Have You Been Impacted? – Google have announced that they have updated their core ranking algorithm with immediate effect so as to push down poor quality content sites (content farms) and reward the top spots to relevant sites. This move reiterates Google’s aim to give people the most relevant answers to their queries as quickly as possible.A report released by Sistrix has outlined the biggest losers from this algorithm update include ezine articles which lost 90% visibility in the search results.

(4) Google Algorithm Change Increases Publisher Search Traffic, Outbrain Data Shows Google recently updated their search algorithm in an effort to move higher quality content to the top of its search results. Since Outbrain’s platform is installed on many of the largest publisher sites on the web, we decided to do some data digging to see the effect the algorithm tweak had on publisher search traffic.

(5) Google Frowns on Content Farms – On 23 February Google updated their algorithm once more to weed out ‘content farms’. These are usually low quality sites where people can submit their content, and even content scraper sites, which literally ‘scrape’ content (via software) from other sites to use on their site. These sites have often performed well in search rankings, but visitors to these sites can end up landing on low quality, useless content and surf away.

Google Panda update dominate this week Round Up are you concerned? did it affect your traffic let me know share your views.


17 thoughts on “Round Up- Google Panda”
  1. Well…Yes, I think the same has happened to my blog too. Though, I have removed majority of duplicate content in recent times. I used these duplicate content while I was very new to this blogging and wanted to get some quick results. But anyways, this is no more the same case. No more duplicate content at present. So, I think my blog shouldn’t be affected as per this new panda update. Dropped rankings or less traffic can also be attributed to various other factors…why see everything in relation with Google Panda! Anyways, Overall I see it as a great move from Google. This new Panda update is more likely to get us more better genuine results which I feel we all desire the end!
    Thanks a lot for sharing these valuable resources. Keep it up!

    1. Sometimes it makes me wonder what these real updates are about some get better off while some will loose out it could be that the ones who are donig the right thing finally is bnefiting from it. Thanks for your comment.

    1. That is good news Shabnam i am happy that these changes benefit your blog and hope it will continue to do so Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

  2. This new update favors the blogger or IMer that is serious about becoming an authority in their niche. Quality, well-researched content is more likely now to rank better than before. The other good news is that the amount of backlinking work required could be diminished, which is really great IMO 🙂

    1. That seems to be the opinion of every one i think the ones that will loose out are those that create keyword rich sites for the sake of getting better search engine results thanks for taking the time to add your voice to the debate.

  3. I think I started getting more traffic after panda arrived ;). My biggest moment of joy came when my article on my site ranked above the same article on ezinearticle for exactly the same word. So that mean Panda did pack a punch. We bloggers work very hard to provide world with the knowledge and Google is just superb to recognize it.

    1. That is great Ashvini we are bloggers that as you rightly mentioned work hard to share our knowledge with the world and sometimes it is sad to see sites that does not offer much in terms of content out ranked us. Thanks for your comment.

  4. i didn’t get hit by the panda update, but i’ve heard some great loses in rankings and traffic… so looks now content is really the king:D

    1. Hi Joe welcome Content is King that is true it would be good to see the effort we take to write these content been rewarded and if this panda update will do that then we shold welcome it. Thanks a lot for your input.

  5. i don’t wanna be mean with the guys that lost their rankings since the panda update, but I’m glad google did this… I won about 10 positions for one important keyword for me… which is pretty good and I didn’t do anything else… so… viva google:D

    1. That what always happen the ones that were loosing out seems to start benefitting from it so i think it is fair to say that the updates was long over due lets wait and see.

  6. Hi Gary,
    I just have known this a few hours ago, about Google Panda. Thanks for the updates on it. I do hope that when you move your site it would only take little time.
    Thanks for sharing with us these posts regarding Google!

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