Round Up #38


September 25, 2011 , , ,

This the time for another Round Up featuring five brilliant post for you to enjoy from making money to traffic generation and have a look at number two post as we all gear up for the release of comment luv premium plugin from Andy Bailey. We all agree that traffic is the life blood of our blog having a plugin that will help drive traffic and increase users interaction is always a plus for bloggers. Search Engine Optimization is a subject close to my heart and as always Jason from Seo Strategies has written another of his master piece every blogger should be aware by now that Jason is an expert in the field of Search Engine Optimization.

(1)Komoona AdSense Companion: Double Your Chances To Make Money Some time ago, while doing my “Ad Hunting”, I stumbled upon an ad space that caught my attention on Justin’s Dragon Blogger website. The ad space, among other things, mentioned Komoona Ads. Since I am all about experiments, I went over to their site, signed up and immediately placed an ad space on one of my niche sites. Ran the ad space for two weeks and a half, and zero. Disappointed, I took it down, due to one main reason, it was occupying a space where I can run AdSense and perhaps, do better. Of course, I did not give Komoona time

(2)CommentLuv Enabled Blog List – Some of you know that I’ve been on a quest to create such a list to help you, my readers, and myself to find the best CommentLuv enabled blogs to engage and network with, build relationships, and yes, build quality one way links.Little I knew how time-consuming this will be: it literally took me weeks to compile the CommentLuv enabled blog list you see below. This is not just any CommentLuv enabled list though. These are QUALITY blogs, all related to the internet marketing niche in one way or another, so you get relevant links back to your blog.

(3)How to Use Blog Carnivals to Increase Traffic ? One of the best ways of building traffic to your blog is to submit your posts to blog carnivals. In a few simple steps, you can not only attract new visitors to your blog, but you can also build high quality, excellent back links. This is absolutely free and it doesn’t take much time. Blog carnival submissions have been helpful in generating increased traffic to my blog which features weight watchers coupons and ediet discounts.So, how do you go about submitting articles to blog carnivals?

(4)5 Search Engine Optimization Strategies to Rank for Highly Competitive Keywords Search engine optimization is quite similar to a relationship, marriage or driving a car perhaps (sorry for the failed correlations) – let’s just say that it’s a two-way system, where one process cannot survive and would not work effectively without the other (on-page = content and off-page = links).Apparently, search engine traffic is still the best form of traffic out there, as visitors generated through search engines have higher chances of converting, knowing that they are in search of the information that your site/webpage is providing.

(5)Google Places Optimization – getting more traffic to your small business website – You want more traffic to your small business website? right? who doesn’t. The main problem you have is most likely you have all these buzz words and got some quotes from “SEO Experts” that just confuse you and seem mighty expensive. Let me put it to you that Online Marketing is one big picture, it incorporates Social Media (Facebook + Twitter), SEO (Google and other search engines), paid advertising, your website, word of mouth and much more. In fact there is a lot you can do check out this infographic. Seems a bit overwhelming right!

That is it for this week Round Up lets hope you find these posts useful and of benefit to you and remember that sharing is caring please feel free to visit the respective blogs and read the full article.


51 thoughts on “Round Up #38”
  1. Hi Gary. This is an awesome roundup and I thank you very much for featuring the Komoona post here. I really think that it is a great alternative to selling ad spaces while leveraging on AdSense to save real estate 🙂 Checking out #5, sounds very interesting..

    1. Thanks to you Ditesco for your continued support that post was really great had a look at Komoona post looks like an interesting prospect and will give it some thoughts. Have a great week ahead

  2. Thank you again for the mention. It is a great feeling to see the same on your blog. I really appreciate it. Keep up the excellent work…have a nice week..!

  3. Create quality blog where it does update daily basis or weekly basis and you get new visitors along with old. Social media site ply good role for generating huge traffic. Wonderful work! I also have my own, personal weblog I simply feel it is tough to write excellent information like this.

  4. Excellent information and thanks for providing little bit of information on SEO, which is definitely going to help me.

  5. Hi Gary. Thanks for the round up. I never thought that Komoona is good. I guess I have to look into more details about it. The tips on SEO and Google places are also great! Keep it coming Gary. I’m looking forward for more tips like this. Thanks.

  6. This weeks round up is very interesting especially Kamoona post. i read it two times and my interest and lust will not end because of its high interesting and knowledgeable article. thanks a ton dear for sharing this

  7. Hello,

    i also faced this problem many times but i fixed it. i got a lot of information from this post, its very helpful for me.

  8. Yes, SEO is an ongoing process and it just seems the more you learn, the more you find out what you do not know. Stick to one thing at a time and do it well. Remember everyone has different opinions. After all, we will never really find out the real google algorithm. If someone wants to give me the inside scoop I would appreciate it.

  9. Work for it and you’ll probably be promoted. Keep going and focus on what your doing. It’s the secret that most people have to be able to do an excellent job.

  10. i got a lot of information from this post, its very helpful for me. Work for it and you’ll probably be promoted. Keep up the excellent work…have a nice week..! I agree that Jason is an expert in the field of SEO.

  11. At this time Social media is more important for your good ranking in search engine. Maximum 30% traffic come from social media plat foam. i was searching latest update about serp result. when i look the video then understand search engine not love only seo social also attract you search result.

  12. I think having patience is the first and foremost thing while you are blogging. You always need to give something for what people have been looking for. The uniqueness and richness are the most vital parts of any good and quality content.
    Patience and hard work can only give you success in blogging career.

  13. I agree with you that you love to blogging as to me.but i wanna ask you that is there any other thing like blogging and forum postings?because from blogging and forum posting we learnt and share our on thinking to the everyone….

  14. I agree to all of the comment is nice making money to traffic generation and have a look. This time social media is more important for your good ranking in search engine and it is a great feeling to see the same on your blog thanks for providing little bit of information.

  15. search is a part of any business but how to search.we need to search useful and action able data for SEO and you provide it.I think your content really excellent.this is a great list that i do find more competitive links.

  16. these contests are really a simple way to build audience and increase traffic.thanks for providing little bit of information on SEO,which definitely going to help me.

  17. I just added it recently to my site and it’s great that More posts and your site plus back links for people posting everyone wins. It is a bit of work to monitor the comments but it is well worth for the links you just have to keep an eye on spammers.

  18. They look into different aspects like location and mortgage rates for SEO. They do not see it within your development they will swiftly move on to other options. This is a good article some nice points that we could learn from search engine optimization the main one being the new content on a regular basis.

  19. The commentluv to my sites that I am getting for more interaction from the people that visit my site to increase your traffic. The commentluv really help to drive more traffic for your site. The commentluv is significant for getting more back links and increasing more traffic on your site.

  20. I too have quite recently started using CommentLuv and KeywordLuv and I have noticed a big difference in the number of comments I am getting. However, I am also getting a whole lot more spam which is terribly annoying.

  21. It is good post on Komoona sound.Social media site ply good role for generating huge traffic. Wonderful work.Thank,s a lot

  22. I think commentluv is a good tool increase interaction in your blog and give every commenter a back link to their blog.

  23. Traffic is the lifeblood of any website online. Let’s face it, without traffic the website might also not exist. So the question that many webmasters ask is how do I generate more webpage traffic. I have built my site using Yahoo Site builder and want to add a blog. Is there a tutorial for doing this. comments luv on this blog is good comment on this site and the commentluv on the traffic is easily there is a good way for the commenting.

  24. Thank you again for the mention. It is a great feeling to see the same on your blog. I really appreciate it. Keep up the excellent work…have a nice i agree with this comments.

  25. Commentluv is one of the best ways of building traffic to your blog is to submit your posts to blog. So i think Commentluv is one of the best code that always search related and quality links .

  26. i am agree with you that traffic is blood of blog in the field of search engine optimization. it also close may heart. but due to comment luv is there deficient of Quality in comments. it just shows traffic not a knowledgeable stuff.

  27. SEO is one of the best and most important thing to increase ranking any website on the search engine ranking that provides best services and different technique to can easily promote ranking any website on the search engine.

  28. The thing I enjoy most about the comment luv and keyword luv plugins – both as a web browser and as the webmaster of my own blog – is the increase in quality comments which it promotes. Spammers don’t stand a chance against these plugins and as a result, we’re slowly but surely beginning to spot thoughtful and insightful comments returning to our webpages. This improves the browsing experience ten-fold, in my opinion.

  29. ….and just as I spruik how good Comment Luv is, in my last comment, I forget to use YourName@YourKeywords 😛 Sorry!


  30. I particularly think that the commentluv one is the best way of rewarding the people. Nice to see more people going vintage and removing nofollow. I think that it is the least susceptible to abuse. Its good to get some links into the posts and not the homepage for once.

  31. I also love commentluv plugin and I am glad that this is now a DoFollow blog. Thanks for letting us know and for the DoFollow Forum List.I love the Commment Luv feature as well and if it weren’t people like you giving us this opportunity, we’d all be alot less fortunate, so thanks!

  32. This site is interesting for the commentluv there is easy commenting for the blogs. I like this blog and some others over some of their bigger but less informative peers. All the people see through the falseness pretty fast.

  33. Search engine first priority to commentluv code because commentluv code always provides quality links with other website that is why almost all seo experts use to this code and get high traffic own your website.

  34. The comment Luv have enable auto approved blogs. I wished your blog are mention that the have really enjoying or surfing around your web blog posts. I have bookmarked your site and I am adding your RSS feeds to my Google account.

  35. The new and improved Comment Luv search engine is already online to make finding other CommentLuv bloggers in your niche easier than ever

  36. The most important that you should consider when learning how to make a website is setting up your private policy. Since the internet is openly used, it’s important that you know how to protect your members from anything that can happen while they are online.

  37. I found number 4 titled “5 Search Engine Optimization Strategies to Rank for Highly Competitive Keywords” very useful.

  38. Thanks for the heads-up on the round up #38. I have found it’s another great seo tutorial. I have no doubt that Jason’s seo tips will able to get better promotion in search engine optimization strategies. Thanks!

  39. The social media is a blood of blog the increase the traffic its very helpful for me. I am agree to you because you are expert in the SEO and these constants are very simple to build audience & increase the traffic for your blog.

  40. Hi there. As well as your tips, web design also matters a lot for high ranking in SERPs. If your website has been designed properly, then it will become more search engine friendly as well as users friendly. Thanks for sharing it.

  41. What I love about Commentluv is the easy searching. I used to spend time sharing my ideas through comments on different blogs and I am using Commentluv to filter them out.

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