Make Money With your blog – Why Are Blogs Profitable

Making MoneyThere are many bloggers out there that do not comprehend the potential of their blogs;
specifically, the money making potential of a blog and how it can be optimized to generate a steady online income. Here are a few reasons why anyone can make money blogging. Blogs are becoming increasingly popular due to the fact that they can be put to use for income generation. Online Marketers use blogs for marketing and bloggers capitalize on that need and make money blogging. So why are blogs so profitable? Well here are four reasons:

Highly Targeted Marketing
Blog visitors are there for a particular reason. Blogs, being constantly updated are a great source of information on a particular topic. Visitors become repeat visitors, readers and subscribers. Good blogs, the ones that are maintained and updated regularly can and do have steady readership that keeps coming back awaiting the next post and article. These blogs have audiences allowing marketers and advertisers easy access to particular groups.
Blogs and Physical Evidence
Before I spent a few thousand dollars to buy my new laptop a couple of months ago, I read reviews, testimonials and consumer opinions on many different products. I spent a good 10-12 hours reading, comparing taking notes and asking questions before I made up my mind and spent my money. Most of that time was spent on technology blogs; I read reviews, compared products and was actually pretty happy to find out that this information was readily available online. It helped my make the purchase.
Even if the company I bought the laptop from provided me with the reviews I might had been weary and perhaps not taking it seriously.

The bloggers that reviewed the products, even if they where paid to do it, gave me a completely different perspective; a perspective that actually helped that company make a sale without using any of its own resources to do so! I was impressed, and still am; particularly of the effectiveness and direct nature of this media, blogging. Here are some more reasons for making money with a blog:

Blogs are Interactive
Readers will post comments, participate in discussions, talk about their experiences about particular products/topics, draw their conclusions and possibly write about the same topic on their blogs. Aside from the extra exposure an advertiser can get it helps build a better presence for their website with more back links. More back links, means better rankings and as a result better placement on a search engine result page and more money.

Building Back links

All internet marketers are aware of the importance of building back links. Ideally, one way links pointing back to their sites. When someone posts a link with a keyword pointing back to their page, it is like a vote; a vote of confidence for that particular site, at least for search engines. In order for, Google, lets say to weed out all the irrelevant results from searches, they came up with an algorithm that only shows the most popular pages for that keyword. In order to achieve this they rank pages with more links pointing back to them with particular keywords, better and higher. If you want your page to rank better for searches you should strive to get all the back links you can find. Other blogs are an excellent way of getting these links. It is not hard to start a blog and turn it into a money blog. All you need to do is first comprehend the potential of your blog and then start putting some work in optimizing it. Once

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40 thoughts on “Make Money With your blog – Why Are Blogs Profitable”
  1. Thank you for sharing. It is always a delight to feel what I believe – that information is inspiration

    1. Thanks for taking the time to add your voice to the debate here and i am happy t know that you find the information inspiring lets hope that you will be back

  2. Thank you for all your tips. Online money making is fun but anyways, requires smartwork and too much of patience. I have been working on the same for last 2 years and slowly but surely…it seems to be paying. Not happy though. Have to work more sincerely and smartly…will do. Thanks and have a nice weekend..!

    1. You are right Aswani making money online can be fun but sometimes it can get time consuming and takes a lot of hard work and as you rightly said lots of patience. Thanks for your comments.

  3. I certainly agree to some idea that you have shared on this post. Glad to have drop bu reading such informative entry, be back for more updates.

    1. Hi Welcome to my blog i am happy that you found this post helpful and of some benefit to you i do hope you will be around to read more of these posts. Your participation here is much appreciated.

  4. Good article.Every one wants to generate income on blog and when it comes with blogging is not bad.Its good to invest some amount and generate income with your content writing skills.

    1. Writing good content is one way to help and increase revenues to our blogs having a large subscribers base can also helps a lot. Making money online is not that easy but with some hard work and dedications

  5. earning money through blogs is very easy only once have to pick the main themes and tricks involves in it. i agree with you that Link building is important thing and plays a vital role in such earnings.

    1. Building links and getting all the promotions right is key in our online earning goals making money online can be very time consuming and takes a lot of patience. Thanks for your comment

  6. I have started my tech blog last year and must say i enjoy blogging. No doubt you need to have passion and lots of patience to make things work.

    Have a great weekend Gary 🙂

    1. Thanks Shabnam and again congrats to you and your tech blog you have certainly put some hard work into it and i guess it is paying off now. Thanks for your comment

    1. Thanks Safa Sha for taking the time to add your voice to the debate here. I am glad that you found the article very helpful and feel free to browse the archives and enjoy the rest of the post.

  7. I have been making money by blogging for years now. It beats the hell out of getting a real job that someone could just lay you off from. I think a lot of people would be great bloggers, but they are ultimately afraid to take it for a test drive. It does take a while to make any real money, but I can assure you that when you get it going and your posts begin to saturate the search engines and your RSS subscriber list builds, the money soon follows.

    1. Hi Welcome to my blog it looks like it is your first time here i must say i am happy to have you here A person with your years of experience is great to have here to share your knowledge with and i guess my readers will love it.

  8. Some good points about blogging and making money, I fully agree with the fact that, relationship is everything. If people enjoy your blog and you write intelligent/useful information, then they are putting trust into your products/services as well. This connection is what creates your online money revenue, without trust and authority, you won’t get far.

    1. Blogging and making money online sometimes goes hand in hand as most bloggers as they will either make money through advertising or joining affiliate programs. Thanks for taking the time to add your voice to the debate here.

  9. my original desire to build blog is to record my own lives, and later was to communicate with more inernet users, of course, make money, why not?

    1. Most time we start a website for various reasons and letter of priorities change nothing is wrong with that you can blog about your life and at the sametime make some form of income from your blog.

  10. I have seen a lot of interesting blogs. One thing I like about them is its more about an individual’s experience and ideas. I prefer to seek information from them especially when I want to learn more about the product, place or food. I am aware of the profit people get from blogs, I am yet to understand how and your blog has given me a slight idea on how blogs can provide us benefits.

    1. Hi Scott i am glad to see you here participating in the debate making money from your blog is not as straight forward as most brag about but no doubt it can happen it takes hard work dedication and patience.

  11. Hi thanks for visiting my blog and welcome and if you are looking for articles on backlinks you might want to check out some of my Round Up Posts. and i hope you will find them helpful.

  12. One in 1,000 blogs makes money. People subscribe to read the blog and get inside information on some subject that is important to them. They can’t access the blog without a password.

  13. It is made buy advertising. you have to write about something good so people will go to your blog and read and create a high traffic count. using those numbers you can sell your little spaces all over your page just like a bill board on the side of the interstate.

  14. I fully agree with the fact that, relationship is everything. If people enjoy your blog and you write intelligent/useful information, then they are putting trust into your products/services as well.

  15. I have seen many bloggers selling posts for other companies. They will write something about these companies and have good $$$. This is also another way 🙂

  16. Hi there folks.I have spent what seems like forever building a reputation & an income and my website & have spent countless hours blogging & writing & yes it’s not anywhere near as easy as the so called Guru’s make it out to be. It can also be very frustrating but I do like to share freebies for those who like to read articles. Here you’ll find articles on a variety of topics, some controversial, some thought-provoking, but all excellent brain food! Keep up the good work Y’all!

  17. Very niche and useful. I completely agree with the information that, connection is everything. If community like your blog and you write helpful information, then they are putting faith into your products or services too.

  18. Very interesting and awesome article. The best part is that, it is so elaborated that anyone can easily get the content that what the author want to say. It is really very informative. Thanks for sharing such a beutiful article.

  19. Many people don’t consider blogging as a great means of making money online but I believe that effective and proper blog marketing can help you boost your profit in blogging.

  20. I agree some of the blogs can be profitable if the niche and keywords are nicely choosen but if wrong keywords are selected, you migt not make money.

  21. People who are blogging are expecting money afterwards but I believe that blogging is the best way in making money online. Blogging is fun and I use to blog because I want to have fun by sharing thoughts and personal experience, when money comes my way in blogging then it is good for me.

  22. Some of the great practices in building backlinks are guest posting, commenting on blogs, social bookmarking, directory sites and social media links. Internet marketers also do article marketing but in my experience, i think that particular has been long gone since the Google Panda update.

  23. making money with google isnt hard just takes some time if you take some time out to get some excellent traffic thru blog post and with adsense donot place your website in a auto sufer any clicks coming from a auto surf will get your account shut down..

  24. Money Making with blog great & Excellent post, blogging is one of snog way to Money making from internet So your post is completely good informational type thanks for post.

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