Driving Quality Traffic to Your Website

TrafficHaving high traffic to your website is one thing, but having quality traffic headed to your site is another. The first step you need to take is to have the right web design and marketing strategy. It is actually quite easy to just get high traffic, so you want to really know and understand the customers you need.

The way your website gets traffic is changing dramatically every year and more and more people are clicking through to other websites from new sources. A great recent example is Pinterest.com which has created higher traffic for many sites than was even possible through Twitter. However, there is still room for many traditional techniques:

Using Traditional Pay Per Click 

Traditional online advertising services such as Google’s Adwords are still the main players for driving the right kind of traffic to your website. This is because they are generated from the site’s users searching or visiting websites that are somehow related to the services that you offer. You can even target users in a specific geographical location if this is better for your business (such as a local bakery for example).

There are also more modern alternatives to the PPC system and the best example of these is the Facebook ads. These will target users by what they have entered or even liked on Facebook. The company can sell ads by accessing a vast amount of personal information that users have happily made available to be exploited by advertisers!

Getting Your Links Out There 

Getting links on websites that are related to yours is another way of accessing more high quality traffic. You can do this by advertising on websites directly. Another way is to get involved on those websites by posting comments or you can try another option. If you are knowledgeable and know a bit about writing then you might want to write for other websites as a guest blogger (such as writing about cloud computing services if you company is IT related).

A guest blogger will write specific content for a website and then will usually have a bio line that will say a little about them and their business. This creates a lot of good back links to your website and also shows off your knowledge in a specific area. These types of links create a good amount of click-ins because people will have found your information useful.

Creating Quality Content 

Creating good quality content on your own website is vital to securing good quality traffic for your website. Google will rank a lot of Internet content on the quality and the amount if interaction it has with the internet. This is usually judged by the number of links into the content as well as the amount it is being shared and discussed online on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

Promoting Through Social Media 

Promoting your business online through social media websites is another good way to drive quality traffic to your website. Posting your latest hints and tips will have people interested clicking through to view your site. While this does not always create business, it does create a buzz around your business.

Author Bio: Tom Mallet is an Australian freelance writer and journalist. He writes extensively in Australia, Canada, Europe, and the US. He’s published more than 500 articles about various topics, including web design and cloud computing.



40 thoughts on “Driving Quality Traffic to Your Website”
  1. We definitely cannot underestimate the importance of focusing on high quality traffic as opposed to overall traffic. You could focus on general keywords which have multiple meanings. This could result in a lot of traffic, but many of those people simply won’t be looking for what you are offering.

    The strategy I like to use is to examine what all my competitors are doing. Chances are they have tried different things already and you can learn from their experiences. Pay attention to where they get links and where they seem to be focusing their efforts. The better that competitor seems to be doing, the more you can learn from them.

    1. “The strategy I like to use is to examine what all my competitors are doing.” I try to do the same, if something worked for my competitor there is no reason why it wouldn’t work for me. I would love to have only organic traffic on my site, because using traditional pay per click really didn’t work for me well.

  2. Guest posting is certainly a great way to attract targeted traffic in quick time, however no one can ignore the power of social media but generally it takes huge efforts and time to generate result.

  3. I’ve tried Google’s Adwords before but based on my experience it offered very little in terms of ROI. So I would suggest that people try it or test it out for a month or so before really committing. There are certainly other ways to get your website noticed. If you are a service provider and targeting locally then Groupon may be for you. Content or should i say unique content… is also a great way to get started.

  4. Traffic is a key component of website revenue. As a web entrepreneur, investing some time and effort into building a base of regular web visitors will increase your likelihood of success. Acquiring website traffic is as simple as making your online presence known while ensuring that your website is a place worthy of return visits..

  5. Great tips for bloggers that want to drive traffic to their blogs. SEO is very important, noone should forget it.

  6. Really interesting tips here. I think social media promotions are are going to be a BIG way forward for getting traffic in the future as everything at the moment is using social media for promotions and to get their business name out there.

  7. Thank you for your brilliant post. It was inspirational. I am just working on my new project and I am facing some difficulties in order to drive quality traffic to the website. I hope that with your tips, my results will increase. I will give you a feedback!

  8. Guest posting and blog commenting certainly works to attract targeted traffic, but you have use these techniques to show your expertise and value. so that visitors try to find more about you and your blog.

  9. Wow that’s good idea i am very appreciate.
    Very nice information that’s good idea ! So just read it everybody.

  10. Great tips to drive traffic to your blog. Social media promotion is one the way that works for me very well.

  11. I used content writing and commenting however from today starts guest blogging also because its a great source to attract huge traffic to our blogs. thanks for these useful tips.

  12. Until now, the only PPC I was using was Adwords and I didn’t trust FB ads because I didn’t know how they worked. Now that I understand the mechanics behind FB ads, I will try them too. Thank you for sharing this!

  13. Very well explained about driving quality traffic to our website. I like the quality content as many always say “content is king” this will create interest to readers if they see our post with informative details about our business and promoting through social media and social bookmarking sites are also good to increase traffic. Obviously we can interact with other people that eventually can become our clients.. This post will help a lot that are into this kind of stuff and hopefully all of us will follow the search engine guidelines as they don’t like to make their search engine results become spam.

  14. Really it’s very good information driving quality traffic to your website, here is all information is good for increase more traffic on your website.

  15. Great, very informative information from SEO points of view. So everyone read this information especially read all SEO guys.

  16. Great tips on driving traffics. Do you have some techniques that you can share with us also regarding the new algorithm that the Google is doing lately? Thanks.

  17. You are right , I agree with you on this , content is very important , And so is building backlinks , You need quality backlinks , It seems like to me that blog commenting and article commenting is really sticking out to google after the penguin update , I lost a lot of links but seems like all my comments are still there and strong

  18. I agree with you on this content is very important and so is building backlinks .You need quality backlinks.Guest posting is certainly a great way to attract targeted traffic in quick time.concentrating more on social media, thats one good way to get traffic.Thank you for your brilliant post it is very useful for every SEO person.

  19. The tips that you have provided are one of the most important and helpful for a person who want to get his websites to the top of search engines, social media and forum if used in proper way will help one to get lot of quality links and buzz around the websites.

  20. Great tips on driving traffics. Do you have some techniques that you can share with us also regarding the new algorithm that the Google is doing lately? Thanks.

  21. Thanks for the great info on driving traffic. First time dropping on this blog while i was searching on getting traffic. Great work and keep it up!

  22. in my experience driving quality traffic to my website, blog or business is about using Google adword. i like this system because it can do everything for you while taking care of the target people, the niche and such things. all you have to do is to invest a little or big money trough their programs and that’s it!

  23. When I started my online business several years back I really did not have a clue on how to market it, all I know is that I can hire someone or a company to do the marketing for me. Now, cost are getting bigger and I can longer afford to hire someone to market my business so I decided to do the marketing on my own. I tried paid advertising but I’m not satisfied with it so I turned to SEO, I just researched and observed on how it works then I know that is the right to go in marketing my business. So to cut it really short, first thing you have to do to drive targeted traffic to your website is have a website worth visiting for, you must have something interesting and original (content, products,etc.) to offer to keep visitors from coming back and spreading the word about how good your website is.

  24. Most people who are dealing with traffic use social networks a lot. But in terms of ppc the conversion rate is close to 0. Your best option will always be search engines.

  25. Little but a good quality traffic is a lot better than a huge amount of quantity traffic with less quality.

    Quality traffic have a better chance to be your buyer, while quantity traffic mostly just populate the server and increase your bounce rate.

    ANd one of the best way to get quality traffic is to target your potential visitor.

  26. I just opened my Pinterest account last week but find it boring. However, upon reading this post, I just realized how important it is now as it poses great potential in boosting the page visit in my website.

  27. Create Quality Content it’s very import to promote your website because every blog and Google algorithm want unique content so don’t copy to any other site content, otherwise you will loss your site keyword ranking when you will post in google.

  28. Creating a high quality and worth-sharing content are really helpful in driving an enormous traffic to your website. Then after you have published your post or website do not forget to promote it through social media.

  29. Create Quality Content it’s very import to promote your website because every blog and Google algorithm want unique content so don’t copy to any other site content, otherwise you will loss your site keyword ranking when you will post in google.

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  31. Free Quality traffic is Hard to come by I personally use article marketing alot , This post is well done , and i agree with this , keep up the good writing

  32. Creating quality content is something anybody working online needs to do to engage people and generate traffic. Circulating useful information is a great way to draw attention to your business and is very effective due to its ability to go viral.

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