Does Your Business Needs A Blog


April 8, 2010

It’s been some time now since blogging started according to Wikipedia a blog is define as , “ A blog (a contraction of the term weblog) is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order”. Over the many years  since blogging has been introduced it takes different format. But it’s just of lately in the most recent years it has become such a phenomena  that it has become one of the addicting activities in our lives. Many people has turn to blogging for many different reasons. Some uses it as a mean of self expression or an avenue to express their emotions.

A blog or Weblog as it was originally called is a place where we can write about what matters or just express our selves even in the most controversial of ways sometimes about whatever bothers us or makes us happy. Internet marketers and advertisers have come to realize the potential of this ever growing marketing tool and now almost every thriving business has a blog to compliment their business. Just do a research for yourself those companies that don’t have a blog of their own uses other webmasters’ blogs to advertise on. Having or starting a blog is a good idea because it is a business you can start without a penny and become successful .

What exactly is blogging? Blog is the widely used term that refers to web log. Basically, a blog is an online journal with the entries display in a chronological order showing the latest entries first. A blog could be set up to no cost at all, and can be used for just for fun or it can be used for making a living which can be very a  profitable business.

Blogging for your Internet business is one sure fire way to boost the visibility of your products and services. Here are a few ways to boost your internet advertising with the help of a blog:

Benefits of having a blog for Your Business

1.keeping your customers inform about your products and what your company is about. One great benefit of this tool is that the information is always available twenty four hours a day throughout the year unless the there is a problem with your hosting company. this is a channel you can use to make announcement about new products and services.

2. Getting Feedback from your readers. this is by far one of the biggest single benefit without a doubt. having a blog for your business is a great marketing tool for any company serious about their business this gives the owners valuable customer feedback  which could only be gathered by employing a marketing firm. All information and comments made by your readers are stored for futur references.

Now,  how is it is to set  up a blog?  simple you can use one of the free services to do this if you are setting a blog for fun or just a place to publish things that interest you and your desire is to share it with the world. Having a business Blog it is best to have it hosted on the same domain as your business website this will make browsing easier for your potential clients. blogging is one of the marketing  options you have can make use of so take advantage of this it is a great  way to advertise your Internet business.

Now it is your turn to share your opinion on this topic and as always please subscribe to the entries through feedburner to keep update when new post are added and please spread the word by retweeting. Sharing is caring spreding is feeding.


25 thoughts on “Does Your Business Needs A Blog”
  1. I’ve been trying to convince the president of our company that we need a blog. When managed correctly it could be an amazing marketing tool for any business. It’s amazing how many businesses still don’t’ have a blog. It’s sad but true.

    Great write up law macs hopefully it will be enough for some company’s to make the change.

  2. The growth that blogging has experienced in just the past few years is staggering. New blogs are placed online by the thousands every day and there is no slowdown in the foreseeable future.

    As you mentioned, it’s very easy to get a blog up and running and that accounts for many people setting up their personal blogs. Nowadays, it’s almost a necessity for any type of business to have a blog. Blogging is here to stay and will continue to grow but I wonder what the next big internet fad will be.

  3. You are right Bbrian017 it is strange to think that in this day and age when blogs are more popular by the minute companies are still refusing from starting them just look at the opportunity for them.

  4. There are thousands of blogs coming up everyday and most of them are gone in few days 🙁 . Setting up of blog is an easy task but maintaining them is quite difficult as it needs lots of hard work and patience .
    I get queries from my friends that how can they start a blog and when will they start making money out of it.

    If you have a product then blog is a better way of showing it to your potential customers. Blogging is going to stay here.

    Btw bro its good to see you making changes with your blog 🙂 .

  5. Many congratulation for you new design. feels great to be here today. looks awesome. keep it up..bro.
    Well, being a personal blogger..I have felt it. I am glad that I started it as early as possible. Though I may have failed in one thing – making money online but it hasn’t stopped me from doing the same. I am loving it and I think everyone should.

    Nothing to hide here, along with my personal blog, I have two more blogs to maintain. And those two blogs are related to my company’s business. Though not as effective as the regular sites, but we do still get good results from those blogs in the form of inquiries. We could easily see the benefits of our business blogs. It has really worked out for us. And there is no reason why it cannot be the same for others. Blogs can really play an important role in your businesses. I think its high time for businesses to realize the power behind these tools. One thing I clearly know is that it is very cumbersome process to update regular sites until and unless you have a CMS kind of technology but these things are never ever a matter of concern if we have blogs as you can easily add, edit and update information in the quickest possible time. Doesn’t really matter if you have your blog hosted on a paid hosting or a free hosting site. Though if you are in business, its better to create blogs on your own domain. It really works.

  6. Glad you like the new design Aswani i have been working on this one for some time and can’t decide what to do with it however it is a cross between Arthemia and mayumi still have some more tweaking to do with it thanks for your input bro much apreciated.

  7. Thanks Shabnam and i just can’t wait until your change overr has come live looking for your continued support

  8. As an internet marketer Robert I know you are aware of the benefits of having a company blog this will help business owners to interact with their clients and get feedback that can be analized and put to good use for future marketing stragedy.

  9. Really attractive changes you have made and that’s why eligible for many and many congrats !!
    You got a great post for them who don’t thinks that blog can boost their business and promotions.

  10. That is it Robinsh it is still hard to believe that business still don’t realize the importance of blogs this is one of the most pwerful marketing tool around so it is hard to imagine how they still neglect this.

  11. That is so right Daisy having a blog is one of the easiest way to promote your business and noy only that the cuomers will have the chance to interact with you and this will bring trust and helps to buid a long lasting relationship.

  12. Integrating blog within our website have some great benefits.

    1. As you mentioned here our customer can get latest information about our new products, which in return increase the traffic of our website

    2. It is a great way to increase the backlinks to the main website, We can link back to our landing page from the blog post, which is very great benefit for SEO purpose.

    3. Search engine like update content from website, so having a blog we can update our website, so it helpful for crawling our website content very fast.

  13. Could n’t disagree with you Chandan all three points that you have mentioned will be the direct results of having a blog for your business. Thankks your comment and vsit to this blog is greatly appreciated.

  14. Good article and I completely agree, if any business has a website (and all business should) they should have a blog and even if they do 1 post per week or month, keep active on it. This allows for interaction and online presence and is among the best ways to keep an audience updated with news, events and items about your company.

  15. Thanks for your input Dragon Blogger i do agree with you that every Business website should have a blog and as you have said even to post once weekly is good this will have the customers interaction and feedback

  16. I helping a friend to promote his service with a blog and that really works, I created a blog with blogger because it free and my friend really don’t have money to buy a domain and pay a hosting service, but the blog is really works for the service 🙂

  17. Hi Latief ther is nothing wrong with starting out with a free blog the issue i found using them is the level of control that you have i move to a self hosted blog because as i mentioned in a earlier post that i love to fix things you will noticed the amount of time i changed this theme. Thanks for your input bro.

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  24. Very helpful tips and benefits of advertising the business through blogging.Well Blogging for your Internet business is one sure fire way to boost the visibility of your products and services.I must follow the above tips to boost up a business and get higher search engine ranking results.

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