Defeating Google Penguin At It’s Own Game


August 21, 2012 , ,

Penguin SeoWhen you speak about the Google penguin attack to most people they think your talking about a real bird attack on humans. But if your one of those people around the web who have a website such as I then you know what this Penguin thing is. Its just the name Google gave to its latest algorithm update that not only hit my site but also hit many of the well know sites you and I read daily.

So the reason for this update was to get rid of those so called over the top optimize websites that looked to get a edge in the search engines. They wanted to mimesis these sites in the form of not removing them from the index but just moving down their rankings for most of their keywords. This meant a big drop in traffic for those high authority websites and those mini niche sites that had some sort of traffic coming in.

Mainly as I can see they hit those content sites and didn’t really hurt many of those so called authority sites. Something like this made me think for a moment and just wondering about all the millions of website that was affected which was said over 50 Million websites or more.

To know whether or not you was affected by this awful update then I say run over to your Google Analytics and check the April 2012 month. If you see a big drop in traffic then you may have been a victim and its time to do something about getting that traffic back.

Just understand that if your site was hit it was mainly because of a number of reasons. The top reason is that your on page seo tact’s triggered the new update or the off page links you have out there are attached to a spam site which is affected your ranking.

My solution to this is for you to follow my lead here and maybe sooner or later your be back on top gaining traffic from the world wide web..


Antonio’s Top 3 Penguin Attacks

1. Quality Content Before On Site SEO: Don’t try to make each page seo friendly because this is the red flag for getting your search terms dropped. Its goes back to the old notion of writing for the readers and the search engine will measure the time on that page to determine how that will rank that content…”but you must have Google Analytics on your site for to be tracked”

2. Follow The Rules: Google Webmaster have rules you need to follow if you want to be incompliance with their policy. So for that reason you need to make sure to delete copied content, door way pages, stuff keywords content on pages and pages that redirect to other pages.

3. Check Backlinks Trails: Focus on high quality backlinks and stay away from those low quality forums and website directories that just hurts your ranking. You have to keep away bad links and stay up-to-date on those links you build from your seo methods. One way of doing this is by using Majestic SEO which gives you everything you need from A to Z. So if you do find someone linking to you from a low quality site then you can contact them and ask them to remove it..just that simple.

Just understand no one have the magic pill to solve all this Penguin stuff but if you stay consistent then good things will happen. Create good high quality backlinks and keep your on page content as high quality as possible. So make today the day it all come together and you start the process of improving your seo performance.


Antonio Coleman’s seo marketing is what gets him out the bed in the morning times to bring the world better seo news and more. Hopefully you learn how to rank your website easier and the right way by following his simple to follow seo tips.

0 thoughts on “Defeating Google Penguin At It’s Own Game”
  1. Hey Antonio,

    It really seems to be a difficult task to recover once you get hit. So I think it’s really important to be proactive and try not to do things wrong from the beginning. That’s easier said than done since Google can change the rules at anytime. Sounds like there’s a big Penguin refresh getting to roll out sometime soon…supposed to be a doozy.

    Do you recommend trying to get links removed from bad sites? Is it worth the time? For some sites that could amount to sending out thousands of emails to site owners to get the links removed. That sounds like quite the task.

    1. Yo Derek..I say if you have the time then it will be wise to ask for them to be taking down. But the things is that most of us don’t have that time and to be honest its not that 100% necessary.

      Its worth more to start from scratch and build high quality links and let your site rebound over time. This is what we have discovered over these past couple of months ever since the penguin attack back in April.

      “Black Seo Guy “Signing Off”

  2. Recovering from Google Penguin can be quite a tough job especially if someone were to have a record of spamming the site with hundreds of article directory links. It really takes a lot of time and effort to remove all those links. At some point, I feel that those who were really hit with Penguin might need to start a new site if the low quality incoming links are too many to change. What do you think?

    1. Alan.. I say the best attack is to build quality links and over time you will be able to over do those low quality links. The research has shown that you must do the opposite of what you been doing and do it to the highest level. So I wouldn’t start over because you do have chance to correct it.

      “Black Seo Guy “Signing Off”

    1. Very scary Mathew…its a chess match that we must win if we want to continue to stay ahead of this seo race.

      “Black Seo Guy “Signing Off”

    2. Yes, it’s scary – negative SEO has become much more negative. It’s not entirely new though – a lot of links from a bad neighborhood has had the potential to drag a site down in the SERPS for years. But Google definitely stepped up that game. I think, in the long run, that will have to change. It just doesn’t make sense that I have to watch my back that way.

      1. M.J. its hard to stay on track of whats working and whats not, but it all comes down to us making the right choices that will help our growth in the long run.

        “Black Seo Guy “Signing Off”

  3. Defeating Google Penguin is not an easy task and one cannot do it for sure.But yes they can follow the rules led by them to walk hand besides them.Even if one is building quality backlinks they can never get over Penguin.Only thing they can do is get higher rank in search results that’s the only advantage one can get.Your victory doesn’t mean that one has defeated Penguin.

    1. Hey Aditya

      Yea we cant completely defeat it but we can plan the game and give our website a better chance of surviving the long haul.

      “Black Seo Guy “Signing Off”

  4. Directories and forum profiles seem to be the worst culprits but one thing I would add that seems to have a negative effect now is automation. Link building in the traditional, manual sense seems to be the way to go and also to be aware of your link profile. Too much dofollow for example can create an unnatural profile.

    1. Matt..wish I could agree with about the directories but I got a niche site that sits right behind a site in the #2 spot and all their links are from “website directories” Now I don’t know at this time wuz up with that but its working. So I wont discount them as a whole but I do see it must be a paid link directory if you want a quality link which is what I have seen those guys do.

      But I do agree on the manual linking to your website but you can use automation on the off site pages.

      “Black Seo Guy “Signing Off”

  5. Yes the new algorithms really make it important for content to be valuable and well written. I appreciate that. I did do SEO a few years back and I was able to get one of my family members on the first page of Google, but they stopped worrying about web results long before Penguin and Panda hit.

    I was about to get back into it again but then started reading about that pesky bird and bear and though I only used white hat tactics, I knew there was no magic formula anymore. I used spun articles for backlinks through one of those auto generating, auto blogging, blog exchanges, and realized quickly that it would not pan out so well a second time around because even when you write and spin yourself, you still need to do some editing once it’s spun for grammar.

    1. Well spun content still works it just that you must do it in a manner that’s not spamming. Its pretty much needs to be readable.

      “Black Seo Guy “Signing Off”

  6. Actually if webmaster did proper submission by using white hat techniques which suggested by Google then no need to worry about penguin. Tricks to face penguin rules suggest by Blackhat Guy are really helpful to get success. Thank you buddy.

    1. Steve thanks for the kind words bro…stay in the white area of seo and all things will be good.

      “Black Seo Guy “Signing Off”

    1. Don’t make that hard of a task it all comes down to making something happen by taking action.

      “Black Seo Guy “Signing Off”

  7. It is crucial that you conform with the guidelines of Google if you don’t want your website to get penalized, which basically means you need to do away with the black SEO.

  8. Obeying the guidelines of Google in SEO and Publishing quality content is the best solution to defeat Google penguin. Actually, the main purpose of Google Penguin is to punish those who are doing unethical SEO practices and provide users a better search results.

    1. Nadia you are 100% correct and we all should follow the rules if we want to continue to get free online traffic from big bro Google.

      “Black Seo Guy “Signing Off”

  9. The best way to defeat Penguin update is through original content. Google like this technique and so it will help you increase your website rankings and spread the word about your website and products on a wider base.

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