Converting Every Visitor into Subscriber

If a person visits your website and leaves, chances are that he or she will not come back, especially if there are no compelling reasons to do so. After all, we all behave rather impulsively on the Internet, so much so that we can easily forget where we were 10 web pages ago. But the bottom line is that your visitor may not come back to your website again. If 1,000 visitors visit your website, leave and never come back again, you can imagine the amount of potential revenue lost, simply because they do not come back. You could have converted a fraction of the visitors into your customers.

Some may say that creating unique content can keep some of the visitors coming back, but very often, unique content is not the solution. The real, long-term solution lies in converting your visitors into subscribers of your mailing list. Before your visitor leaves your website, you want to convert him or her into your subscriber via a simple opt-in to your mailing list. You do this by asking for your visitor’s name and email address through your opt-in form. And if your visitor signs up to be on your mailing list, you can still follow up with him via email. You can get your subscriber to consider your offer, or endorse another offer to him or her. All in all, you want to convert as many visitors into subscribers as possible and obtain the potential revenue you rightfully deserve – the easy, wise way.

Here is a little used technique you can implement to build your mailing list for no additional cost. I call it “using subscribers to make subscribers” like much in the context of “using money to make money”. Generally, you trade advertisements with other eZine publishers, preferably of the same size Mailing list  or bigger. You broadcast the eZine publisher’s advertisement to your mailing list while the eZine publisher endorses your ad to his list. Yes, you are actually cross endorsing or cross promoting each others offer to each of your mailing list.

Your advertisement’s goal should be to get as many subscribers possible from the other eZine publisher’s mailing list to sign up for yours. The result: you grow your mailing list. This method does not require money, which means it is not expensive. What are the methods you use to build your mailing list?



22 thoughts on “Converting Every Visitor into Subscriber”
  1. It is very important to covert your visitors into your subscribers.Also you may establish a connection with them.In this way you can make more money and have more quality visitors every time you post something.

  2. Awesome, short and sweet paragraph for seller to increase customer in number by subscribe by mail.
    thanks for this tactics buddy.

  3. This is very useful tips of for subscription,

    With my little knowledge and experience I’d like to share one really important aspect of subscription. Your methods of blogging plays very vital role in bring back the subscribers.

    For Example: you use to be a good blogger and known for providing some fascinating information in style that your visitors loves, they subscribed your blog and later on you stop being too good with your posts and they started losing the interest, in such situation you will notice un-subscriptions from your subscribers.
    Making subscriber is another thing but keeping them is nice piece of challenge.

  4. This is an easy and effective way to build mailing list. Best thing is it does not require money. With this strategy you are making money without investing money. Its great.
    Thanks for sharing this idea.

  5. To convert your visitor into a subscriber takes a lot of effort.There are lots of bloggers out there and the readers are even more than we think but sticking those thousand visitors is really important.Providing what they are searching for will make an impact on them and they will surely visit again.And if you are regular in providing feedback then and services for free or at low prices for regular visitors they will willingly subscribe to your blog.

  6. Hi lawmacs.

    This is a very interesting post. I never thought of this method before and I think it will work. I believe the value of this strategy is its psychology. Readers, when they visit your website, would be impressed by the number of readers you have on your site and think “Wow. There must really be good content in here.” And then they’ll subscribe. I use this strategy for getting likes on Facebook (asking friends to like the page first). What happens is that when actual readers stumble upon the Facebook page, its chances of getting likes are higher.

  7. I agree that keeping your readers from coming back to your site is hard. You need to provide them with good, up to date, and informative content to bring them back. They might even bookmark your site or subscribe to your newsletter.

  8. I have had troubles increasing my subscriber base but it was not my priority in the first place. What I really focused on was developing quality content which will help visitors in their life one way or the other. In my case it was solely content which slowly but gradually built-up my subscriber base and now I have a huge mailing list. So in my opinion building quality content should be the only thing in the mind of a blogger. Perks like these will come effortlessly.

  9. I must admit that this is one aspect I haven’t put nearly as much thought into as I should have done. I have a very good visitor return rate (close to 80%) but only a very small proportion are opted in to a mailing list. Something I must work to address.

  10. This is a great thought that you have presented here. Its simple but can be very effective to covert visitors into subscribers. Thanks for the share.

  11. You know, I have to admit that the whole mailing list thing was more of an annoyance to me. Being in web marketing for as long as I have been, there has always been so much information ebooks, offline marketing, CPA, pay per click, content, YouTube, Google Places Ahhh! Ahhh!

    It just became hard after a while to figure out what direction I should go in. Building a mailing list seemed like something that might have been unnecessary and stressful, especially after I had gone through so much learning about web design and HTML. I was exhausted and then came CSS, and it just never really ends does it?

    Anyway, I really appreciate this article so, so much because in just a few words, you finally explained to me why a mailing list was important and why it was important to have that option on a home page. Can I just say thank you? I mean that literally took less than 10 minutes out of my day, and it was so useful. Thank you so much!

  12. This technique seems to be great , i hope using this I would get more visitors who really need something from me , thanks for this wonderful share Lawmacs

  13. The idea is great, but does it really work ? I mean, do people really subscribe to mailing lists ? Personally, I hate this way of communication, I prefer so much to subscribe to RSS. With RSS, I can easily subscribe/unsubscribe them when I want and I can sync them wherever I want with an aggregator.

  14. Offer content that makes visitors want to come back for more. Graphic designs that call to action such as subscribe buttons, social media buttons, and other infographics that make your website more lovable for visitors. Surely, they’ll come back for more just because they feel entertained and informed at the same time.

  15. Bringing visitor and making them your subscriber is not easy. Your site should be in their interest and it can offer them alot of things. I’m using Aweber Autoresponder and for me it’s one of the best autoresponder in the market.

  16. Isn’t this method a sort of cheating? I use to visit sites with this “option” and I wasn’t really happy about being forced to subscribe ti anything.
    And I definitely didn’t go back to those sites afterwards.

  17. Some people might not agree with this method, but it’s all business anyway. It’s not like you are putting a leash on people. It’s a strategically acceptable method.

  18. Improving your conversion rate isn’t just about getting more traffic—it’s about making sure the right people take action when they land on your site. Small tweaks like clearer CTAs, faster load times, and better trust signals can make a huge difference. At the end of the day, it’s all about understanding what your audience needs and giving it to them in the simplest way possible.

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