I take great pleasure in presenting to you Aswani this is the first of many Guest post here At www.lawmacs.com Aswani is a great ,professional blogger and a very good friend of mine What is the most important concern for any blogger? Say, you are finished with everything. You have your favourite template ready. You have your widgets ready for your blog. No, what next? Obviously, the most important thing for any blogger is blogging itself. Yes, what should I write ? what should be the content for my blog? How to go ahead with content development for my blog? Well, there can be many more concerns but building right content is obviously the most important concern for any blogger as the whole idea of blogging revolves around this. You may have the best things on your blog but what if not good content. Failure to ignore this thing is likely to cost your blogging like anything.
Anyways, for those of you who find it a bit difficult to go ahead with this content development, below are some 5 useful content development strategies for your blog :
- Must be useful – Make sure the content you are planning to develop is useful for your readers. The more useful your content better will be the loyalty of your readers. You should make use of your past experience or research for developing the same. This type of content is considered very educational for every kind of people.
- Must be insightful – This again is a very good strategy. The content which you are planning to develop, try to make it thought provoking. This is possible by having a writing style which involves a mixture of research intermingled with a ‘flavour’ of current events and your own personal perspective and/or experience.
- Must be inflammable – Your content should be thought provoking and how can you make it look same. This can be made possible by writing with a difference. Yes, try focusing on subject matter that is popular with your readers but taking a controversial stance is an excellent way to get readers attention and provoke a reaction. This is a great way to increase the interactivity on your blog.
- Humour works – Yes, it does and nothing works better than this. Go for it. Generally current events or commonly observed behaviour or trends is what many build their humour around. Poking fun like this is a great way to have a laugh without offending anyone, if done correctly, and that is why it is regarded as a talent.
- Reporting Type – Sharing information from the typical news resources is a good way to put it on your blogs. Content like this is generally updated quite frequently since ‘news’ occurs all the time. The focus of the subject matter is always directly in line with the theme the blog has established.
So these are some 5 simple but very useful content development strategies for your blog. Content development is an art and it is not easy to master until and unless you have some definite strategies for the same. As a blogger, we may have different styles of writing but we need to have a good content to make it happen. These 5 approaches above reflect some of the most common styles of delivery found on blogs today. Whatever style or uniqueness you tend to display it is important to establish a strategy allowing you to continuously create the quality content you want and need to maintain a successful blog.
Author Bio
Aswani is a an avid blogger from India. He has been blogging since 2007. He writes mostly on the topics which are related to blogging and personality development. Plus being a niche less blogger, he tries to cover anything and everything. To know more about his blogging, please visit his blog at aksindiblog.com
A very well written post 🙂 on content development strategies .Adding humor to personal blog is great but how to add humor to pro blogging ? What say ?
A very nice post indeed, I would just add one thing from a reader’s prospective [quote]"Using easy to understand Language, and Avoiding complicated terminologies".[/quote]
I totally agree with Aswani having a development strtegy for your blog or any business for that matter is very important without any strtegy or plan it is just like travelling without any direction thanks aswani for sharing this post with us.
I am extremely thankful to Mr. Lawmacs for giving me an opportunity to be a guest blogger on his blog. Lawmacs is a great friend of mine. He is truly one of the finest bloggers in this blogosphere.
Very Nice Post From u Bro! Thanks for Sharing Your Thoughts on Content Development! I Will Try These in my Next Post 🙂
@Shabnam – Well..you still can. Generally, people seem to stay away from the same thinking that they may deviate from the original theme. A professional blogger has a different approach in blogging. He tries to concentrate mostly on the subject that is related to niche blogging. But whatever maybe, adding a bit of humor is a a great way to spice up your blog. And for adding humor to your blog, you need to be a skilled writer with great timing. And most importantly, you need to be creative with it all.
It is not necessary that you have to put humor in each and every post. But trying adding it wherever possible. It looks more interesting then.
Very Nice Article. Really helpfull. Thanks!
Nice post.Like every point.Thanks for sharing.
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Excellent post Aswani! All those strategies are right on the money.
I try to incorporate all the strategies you mentioned into most of my articles. I may not get them all in at the same time but I try. I especially like the humor strategy:-) I think it’s a great idea to inject a little humor especially when writing on a very serious topic.
Basically, my strategy is a very simple one; I write what I feel my visitors are looking for. Much of my content comes from listening to my readers/visitors. I take their comments and feedback seriously and many times, that’s where my inspiration comes from.
@Vikash – Thanks buddy 🙂
@Karthik – Thanks bro 🙂
@Lakhyajyoti – You are welcome 🙂
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Thanks for sharing such a beautiful information.SEO is growing very fast now a days.This post is really helpful and a complete guide for the learners and the beginners.Keep it up and all the best for your future.
thanks Aswani for this valuable content management file, I was almost done with my domain and design for digmlm (and was waiting for getting some best of articles to make best with my content also) where I am learning writing some business, entrepreneurship and personal development articles to motivate and educate the readers.
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Thank you 🙂
Thanks for sharing these useful information! The most important concern for any blogger as the whole idea of blogging revolves around this. And most importantly, you need to be creative with it all.
I agree that your content should be both very useful to the reader but also leave it open so they can figure out their own ways to use the information and possibly comment.
Sometimes the best posts aren’t just ones that give 100% of the details. Leaving it open so people can discuss, try it for themselves from their own perspective and report back will help make the information worthwhile.
When we’re giving a complete blueprint, it’s almost counter productive because we don’t get to learn along the way. I think by presenting the theory, telling them how YOU do it and leave the platform open, people will interact in a much more enthusiastic way.
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