As it happens in every domain, one needs to work hard towards making a blog successful. It does not come by a favourable stroke of luck. It calls for effort. Blog failure is only indicative of problem areas that need your immediate attention. The kind of content you are posting is important but it is all the more important to try and direct your target audience towards the posts. If not, your masterpiece of a blog may lie unappreciated and you will eventually stare at the common Internet phenomenon called blog failure. There are some steps that you may take in order to make your failure the beginning of a successful stint as a popular blogger.
1. Lay emphasis on quality of the content
Even if the number of readers will only increase gradually and you may have to face disappointment in the initial stages, do not compromise on the quality of the content. Eventually it is the content on your blog that will drive the traffic. The likelihood of the increase in popularity of blog increases manifold if the topics that you talk about in your posts are of interest to a large number of people.
2. Be regular
Success will not come without effort. Do not relegate blogging to a leisure activity. Make time for it. Reply to the queries in the comments. This is likely to keep the readers interested in reading your blog regularly. A loyal base of readers can be formed only if you yourself are loyal to your blog.
3. Use social media to promote your blog
Even if your blog exists and you are working hard on the content, you need to promote it for people to know about it. Even a good product needs marketing. Place the link to your blog on your twitter page. Promote it on facebook and other social networking sites you use regularly. Do not spam. Talk about certain topics and direct the people with queries to your blog. Interact with people and promote your blog in a subtle manner.
4. Post comments on other blogs
Understand the target segment for your blog. Post comments on popular blogs that attract the audience you want to reach out to. Regular comments and interaction will generate interest in your profile and your blog will get hits as a result.
5. Pay attention to the look of your blog
Customize the look of your blog to represent your personality or the gist of your posts. Make it stand out amongst the clutter of numerous blogs. This may add to your blog’s recall value apart from its content.
6. Use widgets to collect statistical data
The data pertaining to number of hits lets you understand the impact of each step that you take. Gain further insights by analysing the popularity of different topics. Write more on topics that find favour with people in a bid to increase the number of hits.
7. Place social media widgets on your blog
Your readers may want to know more about you. Social media widgets help in the same. Interaction with people over different platforms will build a regular base of readers for your blog over a period of time.
The efforts you undertake will bring results gradually. Have patience and keep working hard. Understand the problem areas and work towards rectification. The steps you take will bear fruit in due time. Till then, just keep pushing towards the pinnacle of success.
image credit Blogging Junkie
About the author: Alyssa Clarke is a blogger who also happens to be a tech freak. She loves spending on Gadgets and recently bought a new Apple iMac. Being a big time gaming fan she is currently hunting for some cool 3D games.
I have a blog about herbal remedies and herbal weight loss. It does okay. It’s one year old and has a google page rank of 2, alexa rank of 5,582,091 with 41 sites linking in, and gets about 3,500 page views per month. It could be much better, but it could be worse also.
Great blogging tips put into really simple points!
Thank you 🙂
Sound recommendations but there is no replacement for hard work when making a blog a success.
I believe in the saying that “Once you failed and stumbled, get up and pick up all the pieces”. Yes, failing could be the beginning of one’s success if that person would see “failing” as challenge. You will never be a successful businessman if you haven’t tried to failed even just once. This will teach you how to think wisely for your business.
I’ve noticed this too – blogs that have gone stagnant and my plugin, Broken Link Checker, is returning site errors for people who have left comments in the past.
Failure is the Stepping stone to success …and i Believe in this saying …this is my favorite quote too once we face some downs in our life we must not give up …we should struggle against it and come out of that situation ..we learn new things from the mistake we make ..and this article is really nice ….The tips are really encouraging ..hope to see such good posts from you 🙂
The kind of content you are posting is important but it is all the more important to try and direct your target audience towards the posts. As it happens in every domain, one needs to work hard towards making a blog successful. Blog failure is only indicative of problem areas that need your immediate attention. It does not come by a favourable stroke of luck. There are some steps that you may take in order to make your failure the beginning of a successful stint as a popular blogger Your masterpiece of a blog may lie unappreciated and you will eventually stare at the common Internet phenomenon called blog failure if not. It calls for effort.
One should never give up…I guess it applies to everything in life. If you are passionate about your subject (for example I enjoy writing web hosting articles) then you shoud continue pursuing your interests and hope that some day it will become a success and that people will appreciate your work. Good luck everyone!
I believe that failing is not yet the end of the world, indeed it’s just a beginning of one’s success. Look it as your strength and not as your weakness. Use it as your guide and inspiration in order to do more.
Thank you for your comments people 🙂
As I have mentioned in the post as well, blogging does not give an overnight success. It is a continuous journey with never to give in approach.
Creating credibility and having an underlying approach in form of motif are the main factors which much not ignored.
i total agree, if you dont have the right tools then it can take for ever to do a job, in some cases if you dont have the right tools then the job cant be done.
Interesting title and some very useful points. I agree failure is the stepping stone to success. The same can be seen with blogging or any other activity. I don’t know if I have been so successful with the same but I have never given up. I have learned from my mistakes and have been trying out each and everything to make things work in the positive manner. And it has worked out…to great extent..!
o! blogging is a very hard work! All your advices is useful.
I would like to add that guestposting is a nice promotion tool nowadays 🙂
To me, the most important of the tips there is to put up quality content. If you have good, regular content, you will move up the rankings in Google. And if you have good quality content, you will get visitors who come back again and again to see your blog.
The goal is to make a real, usable, quality site…not just something for Google.
I’d also add – take a break!
Leave it for a weekend entirely. Forget all about it and approach it with a clear head and fresh ideas.
Nice read Alyssa 🙂 Having quality content is a must along with getting quality backlinks from same niche.
Blogging is not one time thing we need to learn from our mistakes as with new Panda alog many blogs have lost traffic.
I think that quality unique content and consistent updates (like weekly posts at the very least) will keep your blog looking fresh to google as well as other SERPs. Definitely using social media will help to broaden your reach for more relevant traffic and interest. It’s just an everyday job and consistency is key!
I think that one needs to find a fine balance between quality content and the regularity of posts. By this I mean that just because you have something to write about, doesn’t mean that it’s going to be engaging or add value to the users. Posts should be clearly thought out and written to not be boring and engage the user. This might not happen every week.
Better to have 2 quality posts a month than to have 10 crappy ones that no one enjoys.
I am very new at blogging and pretty much follow all of the tips you have provided. I write mostly about web and graphic design, but feel like my content is unique in that it bypasses all of the technical jargon of most sites similar to it and explains content in an easy to understand way. I guess one main problem I have is finding the time to write since I work full time as well, so I can usually only get 2-3 posts up a week. I am curious how long it generally takes for a blog to pick up traction? I don’t want to lose hope!
Writing two or three post per week is good enough to keep your blog update withe fresh content blogging is a journey which takes time had work and commitment giving up is failure so if you want to succeed you should continue with what you are doing.
I agree particularly with #1 and #2. Create QUALITY content on a consistent basis, it tells the SE’s that you deserve authority/trust and tells readers to keep coming back for more. Good post.
Hi Lawmacs, In addition, you can dd white space to breakup the content and define areas of the pages.Information all squished together is hard to read and comprehend. By including white space (empty spacing areas) to the content of your page it makes it easier to read and scan.
hey dude thanks.i guess u should not forget about seo for successful marketing.if we can not have good marketing no one will come in my we must be careful in advertising our site.
thanks for having such an nice article to inspire every bloggers.
anyways friends here you will find some interesting wallpapers and uncommon photos so….welcome and thanks
The objective of any blog posting should always be to educate, inform, entertain or whatever. Always write your blogs for human and not Google or other search engines. If you do, you will, over time, build up readers who will be loyal to your blog. It will take time but it is totally worth the effort and time.
really nice blog and helpful for everybody . Thanks for sharing your knowledgr with us.
Prash patel
great post
very informative and helpful
i guess after reading your post i know what mistakes i have did earlier
thanks for sharing this informative piece
Yes, failure is just the first step of success and for a person to be successful he needs to know how to learn from that failure and do everything not to do it again the second time around. You should have some learning on your failure so that you will be successful. Another thing, a successful person is the one who fail but never give up.
Failure is the first step to success if you are determined to make those failures and shortcomings right. It takes a lot of effort and willingness to make things right and correct the wrong steps that you have made in blogging.
I really appreciate the tips mentioned in your post. Now i am going to target these tips for the promotion of my blog.
Exactly the points that i told to one of by blogging friends,whose blog was recntly panda hit and traffic went from 4K per day to 100 Visitors 🙁
Thanks 🙂
I’m confused about widgets collecting data. Do you mean widgets like a hit counter or a counter that is only visible to you. I think a hit counter visible to visitors of your site could make you look like you are boasting or something akin to that even if that is not your intention. I think Analytics would do just fine.
Yeah, these are the quintessential truths to maintaining a successful blog. Nice to know that others feel the pain of starting a blog too. It is a lot of work in the beginning and you just need to keep workig at it until you eventually see any results.
Interesting blog here, have to agree how important content is when writing blogs, there are way too many with poor bounce rates with people reading this first paragraph and just not interested with the rest.
Thanks for the tips! I just started my own blog and well… I4m apllying one of your tips right now: post comments from others blogs! 🙂
blogging is a good for the review for a product and i also doing this
blogging is good way to promoting the product and to specify the features of a product.
Failure is the first step to success if you are determined to make those failures and shortcomings right. It takes a lot of effort and willingness to make things right and correct the wrong steps that you have made in blogging. Thanks for giving my New Jersey Marketing Company an external!
I really appreciate the tips mentioned in your post. Now i am going to target these tips for the promotion of my blog.
This comment love expands on the strong foundation of backlinking. It’s the most important part of seo and should be done EVERY day for the best long term efforts.
Once you fail you try harder and there is quite high probability that this time you are going to do quite better than the previous time.
It’s really hard to achieve success in blogging. I must say continuous hard work and consistency is essential for success in blogging. All these steps are keys to make your blog successful.
I am new to the world of blogging, just doing my assignment, surfing and visiting other bloggers site to see what is it. And this tips you posted will be a great help for me to improve my blogging……… Thanks!!!!!!!!!
Post good comments on other peoples blogs so your site gets linked!
Every blogger require adding new effects on blogs and making perfect management of article. Success blogging must require interesting and unique content which can easily attracts users to read blog. Natural content and write freely are also useful for blogging. Thanks your tips to going success from failure blog.
Failure is not the end of everything it is only the beginning. Because, I believe that failing is not yet the end of the world, indeed it’s just a beginning of one’s success. Look it as your strength and not as your weakness. Use it as your guide and inspiration in order to do more. We should not giving up when we fail because mistakes makes us a great person and also to make our work to be better next time.
These are great tips for all bloggers out there who are trying to get good rankings in Google and other search engines. Thanks! 🙂
For the success of a blog it is necessary to work with consistency and frequency and also use all social networks to promote your blog.
They are all great blogging tips, i know you have to work hard and keep at it but it seems like you are flogging a dead horse at times, but i will keep plodding on
yeah I do have plenty of blogs but it always failed and I don;t know why and I agree with you that it could be the beginning of success so I never gave up.
The points you have mentioned are right on target. The success of any blog not only depends upon its presentation, but also updating it regularly with fresh and engaging content. Working hard is the only way you can assure success of a blog.Give aways also help in increasing the popularity. Commenting on other blogs can give u a wider reach.
Experience is important and failure breeds success.You must improve it day after day.And you will success in future.
This blog interests me. Ive been very down with my blog and has a lot of problems when and where to start but i have these domains and I believe they are great. Just that I really dont know what to do.
A much much needed chunk of information.
I agree with you that one has to be regular while blogging and keep on commenting as more and more readers will be interested in reading your blog…..also the content should be interesting to attract others.
Failure is the Stepping stone to success,I agree with you that one has to be regular while blogging and keep on commenting as more and more readers will be interested in reading your blog…..also the content should be interesting to attract others.
I agree failure is the stepping stone to success. The same can be seen with blogging or any other activity. I don’t know if I have been so successful with the same but I have never given up.
Thanks for sharing your inputs. I have gone through failure as a blogger because of time constraints and it made a huge difference when I decided to employ some time management techniques, I really love what I do but there are other more important things that I need to factor in.
Your pointers are remarkable! Blogging should always be exciting, fun and fulfilling otherwise it would be very difficult to rise from failure. I think it is important to love what we do first and foremost and the rest will follow. Thank you!