Accepting Guest Post is it A good Thing?


February 12, 2011 , ,

I have been around for a few years on the internet started blogging about four years ago and one thing I learn is that blogging is not a one man game yes these words was echo in a post by hesham from famous bloggers. My reason for this is that I have quite a few requests from a few authors asking me if I accept guest post honestly I turned down a few. So guess what I am now opening up my blog to accept guest post yes you heard it right. There are some great benefits for this blog and I strongly believe that it is high time for this so what do you think? The reason why I have decided to try this route is that I strongly believe that there are great benefits and after having a few requests I think it is high time. Opening up your blog to guest authors is a great way to expand your network and attract new readers. One of the plans I have for this blog this year is to increase its reader’s base which would also increase the potential of attracting new advertisers. The next thing that this would do also would is to introduce a different writing style which would bring something fresh to this blog. I must say before you decide to write a post for lawmacs web design blog there are a few factors to bear in mind. This blog is a do follow blog but you should still consider that there are rules to follow when you write for this and any blog and I decide what gets publish here. I am quite aware that most guest authors requires a link back to their website that is fine but make sure that your website is not one that has any undesired content. The next thing to consider is the topic and the category which your article falls into. It you cover a certain category that is not already here but fits with my blog theme then I might just add it. Now what do you Think? Should I really accept Guest post on my blog and what are your views on guest post? Share your thoughts with me about your experience about the pros and cons of opening up one’s blog to multiple Authors. I have done a few guest Post for other bloggers before so i still believe that there are real benefits in it.


31 thoughts on “Accepting Guest Post is it A good Thing?”
  1. Accepting guest posts will surely help you as long as you ensure the quality and outbound links on each guest post are acceptable. The success of newspapers is build on the same concept, where many different contributors publish content.

    1. Thanks for your input the quality of the out bound links is very important so before accepting any article we need to ensure that the website we link to is credible and or not a site with any malicious content.

    1. Thanks Shabnam i appreciate your blessing i am totally looking to the benefit of that accepting Guest Post brings There are some good benefits from this Thanks for your kind words.

  2. Hey Gary,

    I must say guest blogging helps me to expand my areas of interest and takes me out of the comfort zone. I am very much interested in guest blogging and plan to write one for your site as well. Please let me know if there is any word limit to the posts you are accepting.Also please provide if there are specific categories you would like the blog post in.
    Thanks for your wishing me well in your comment at my site.

    THanks and regards,

    1. Thanks for trhe proposal Ashvini there are no word limits to my post i try to stick to a minimum of about 400 words up to about 700 that is it however it is not compulsory the categories are web design, blogging tips, social media and the internet in general. Looking forward to your post.

  3. It is always a good thing to me. And it has been always the same. Must say, I am really thankful to all those who have done the same for me. I am sure they too must have benefited a lot from the same. I really appreciate your idea to have guest postings on your blog. Great move…keep it up and have a nice week 🙂

    1. I am just as thankful as you Aswani and i must take this opportunity to thank you for those post you have written for my blog Guest Blogging has helped me to spread my wings and meet new bloggers so i strongly believe that there are great benefits to it.

    1. You are welcome Bilal i do hope one day you will write a guest post for my blog i am glad that you find the post informative and i appreciate your comment keep them coming.

  4. Before accepting guest post you should be caring about something. Guest blogger should be too expert in a particular niche and he should also be good at English.

    1. You made a valuable point which i will bear in mind before i accept or publish and Guest Post on this blog i am always mindful of the sites i linked to Thanks for your advice and for taking the time to participate in the discussion.

  5. Accepting guest posts is good, Gary. However, you should also be mindful about indiscriminately accepting them. Make sure that your guest bloggers are credible and are knowledgeable about the topics they are going to write about. Also make sure that they will be writing topics that are within your niche or complements it. This way, your guest blog posts will really be beneficial for your business.

    – Wes –

    1. Thanks Wes this is something i thought about and will take into consideration when approving articles. I will have to check out the site owned by the guest blogger and i will have to scrutinize the content and the links in the article.

  6. I think accepting guest posts is a great idea, honestly. It’s a win-win situation, where they give you great material for your blog, possibly bringing their readers to your site, and you give them exposure and link juice.

    However, I also think you should be discriminating in the quality of the writing you accept, and set a minimum word count. This discourages spammers who like to flood the internet with small, keyword-fooded articles.


    1. Thanks Delena one thing i will try to do is never to allow compromise quantity over quality and i will ensure that the post is well written and reflects the topic it covers. Thanks for your kind words.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to add your voice to the debate and as you have said there is a win win situation for every one involved Thanks for your comment.

  7. I think choosing to include some guest blogger content is a great idea. The one thing to keep in mind is that you have the ability to edit or refuse the content submitted by guest bloggers. If you think their article is boring or unrelated, don’t post it.

    In my experience though, the guest bloggers on the other blogs I read usually add some much appreciated diversity of style and content. I would say go for it!

    1. Thanks for the kind words i totally agree with you as bloggers we are responsible for what is posted on our blog so it is only wise that we ensure the contents posted are credible.

    1. Thanks for the sound advice the checking of the niche is important but most of all is the credibility of the Author and the content of the article we need to ensure that it is not stolen from other website.

  8. Hi Gary,

    great to hear that you are openly accepting guest posts now. Well, you can expect a guest post from me soon, as I have been meaning to ask but never got around to it. Anyway, you are always welcome to write a guest post on my blog 🙂 That goes for you Aswani as well!

    1. Thanks for the offer Zarko i am so much excited and can’t wait to get that post from you and i am honoured to be able write a post for practical Seo Thanks for your comment.

  9. Another great article. I am learning this topic amd gone through some other blogs. I found something new here. I feel that guest blogging is one of the good link building techniques in SEO. Thanks for sharing this article.

  10. You are right thinking in your mind I am impressive in this article. Accepting any guest post is it a good think. I like very much this important information. Thanks share this post.

  11. Hi , You have Very Nice Resource Collection , I hope in future also You Will Add up Some Extra Collections.I am Really Thanks For Such a Collection. Thanks & Best Reagrds.
    Sanjeev Kumar

  12. Accepting guest blogs adds diversity to your blog. It gives your readers something else to digest. Of course if you stray away from your regular posting style too much you won’t be able to keep your readers.

  13. Guest post is another way to increase traffic & good for SEO as well. When a blogger says readers to see his post in other blogger’s site the readers will read not only the guest post but also other post. So it will be huge bonus. Hope you will give me chance for guest post : )

  14. I have learn a lot from web 2.0 blog guest post because of Guest post has unique data and readers of these blog has also serious due of unique content.Google always importance these type of blog content and gives back link .

  15. Accepting guest posts for your blog have benefits and also a downside. First, When your output gets slow, you can have others who fill in for you. Not at all times you can create a good post that will please your readers at times that you are experiencing writer’s block or if you do not have the luxury of time to create a post you can let other people do that for you in your blog through guest posting. On the other hand, not all guest posts have a good quality content. So you have to pay attention on what you are posting. Bad content could affect the reputation of your blog.

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