Sunday Post Round Up #41


October 30, 2011 , ,

It is the time when we feature some amazing and interesting post from around the web. There are lots of blogs floating around on the internet today and lots of great post written by various bloggers and authors which we can all share. As i have always mentioned if there is any post you believe is worth sharing please feel free to drop me a line with the link to the article and i will gladly mention it in a future Round up. Thanks again for taking the time to visit and support this blog. Please feel free to share and retweet this post.

(1)Droodly: Buy And Sell Any Advertisements Via Auction – For those of you who have chosen to sell ad spaces as one of your business models or income stream, Droodly is a network that might be of interest to you. Essentially, Droodly is a service that provides an auction and bidding platform for people who want to buy and sell advertising space. The interesting bit is that, they go beyond just Ad Spaces. You can sell advertisements from several medium sources, and if you use your creativity right, the possibilities can be very appealing. Sell Ad Spaces, Videos, Blog Posts, Social Media, etc.

(2) Top 5 Password Management Solutions Managing passwords can be a challenge. Keeping track of what password goes to each account, whether it is email, a retail website or a banking website – can be quite a challenge if you aren’t organized. That’s where password management solutions come in handy. By using one of these programs, keeping passwords together and safe can be a simple task.

(3) How Freelance Work Can Help Your Blog – Just about anyone who blogs for their full-time job can attest that making money through blogging can be a little rough, especially at first. Getting your traffic up and then maintaining steady traffic, bringing in a decent amount of money from AdSense, finding worthwhile affiliates and building a relationship with them that is profitable for both of you… it all takes a lot of time and a lot of hard work before it begins to pay off. Before you get overwhelmed at the thought of trying to make it all function cohesively, though, there’s another very viable option that will help you improve on all levels – freelance writing.

(4)How Google Works: Why Does Crappy Website Rank Higher Than Mine? – How exactly has Google PageRank become the accepted standard by which we measure our websites? If you take a look at Google’s Technology Overview, you’ll see that it points to relevance as the primary ingredient of how search engine results are ordered. So why are countless posts being written on PageRank and yet no one seems to be talking about relevance? I truly believe it’s because PageRank comes as a number – it can be easily measured, explained, and presented; not so much with relevance. However, just because PageRank is easy to track, it doesn’t mean that it accurately represents how well your site should rank in search engine results.

(5)Social Media And Technology In Entertainment And Marketing – It does not matter what brand or company’s advertisement you are viewing, you are almost 99 percent guaranteed to see a link to a Facebook page, Twitter handle, or company website. With everyone using digital methods for their marketing and entertainment purposes, agencies are developing more creative and innovative products in order to stand out. This is excellent news for everyone because we get to reap the benefits of their creative processes.

That is it for Round Up for this week please feel free to share the articles and visit the website to read the full post


23 thoughts on “Sunday Post Round Up #41”
  1. Great roundup as usual, Gary.

    Droodly sounds interesting; I might check it out. I don’t have any paid advertisement on my blog right now, but something I am considering.

  2. Hi Lawmacs – particularly good roundup and always good to see the wonderful Ana Hoffman in there at no 4 with the question EVERYBODY asks!

  3. Thanks for collection of tops posts of the week again. I have gone through a couple of these and these are really excellent.

  4. Thanks for the roundup. Yes, I must second all the other comments here, the part about Google and the page rank was very nice and added a good baggage of information to my knowledge.

  5. password management post is one which really adds something new into my knowledge. thanks for all other posts also.

  6. Good collection. I particularly love the post ” How Google Works: Why Does Crappy Website Rank Higher Than Mine? ” very interested to know the truth behind that.

  7. Thanks for the useful resource.I found Password management solutions and how Google works really useful.

  8. Thanks for the link to Droodly! Been looking for somewhere to buy advertising space in bulk for ages! Thanks!

  9. Great articles! I especially like the one regarding password management as no matter how organized i try and keep my pw’s… i always end up forgetting or lose at least 1 of them. Thanks for sharing!

  10. It is one of the unique round up. For PR of site do follow relevant links and quality contents are required.I have seen sites that have achieved PR3 in less than month having quality posts and links.

  11. I have gone through a couple of these and these are really excellent. I like the post talking about this tips on Google, but this is the second post of the series ‘The Sunday Roundup’. Interesting Round ups.I liked the link of how Google works. Tessa, I agree with you and I liked the article also.

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