Hosting a successful website takes more than a simple design and a few lines of text. Many aspects can reflect on how successful the website is and how many visitors it can expect to receive. By following this simple guideline, anyone can be well on their way to producing a site that could be bookmarked on many browsers.
1. Unique Content -.
Always build your website around unique and original content. Copy and paste are frowned upon and could get you in trouble for plagiarism.
2. Color Scheme – Choose a color scheme that fits your website’s niche. It gives the visitor familiarity with the content you’re providing
3. Coding – Having programming knowledge could be helpful, but really isn’t necessary. There are many applications and personal designers that could build your website for you.
4. CMS, or Not – Content management systems are an easy way to put together a website surrounding your niche very quickly. Many of these are SEO-friendly and could help your website in search engine optimization for page ranking.
5. Keywords – As keywords are how search engines categorize your website, having the right combination could be greatly beneficial. However, you don’t want to “stuff” your website with too many keywords to the point to where it doesn’t read well.
6. Frequent Content – Adding a few articles onto your website then moving on may produce visitors for a short while. However, keeping regular content flowing could turn those visitors into regular patrons.
7. Pay-Per-Click Advertising – These PPC campaigns could yield excellent results to drive visitors to your website. This form of advertising is best suited for websites that generate income from visitors, however.
8. Social Networking – Posting up-to-date information on a social networking site for your website could create regular fans. As most of these sites are free, there is nothing to lose but the few minutes it takes to update a status.
9. Honesty – Keeping your content truthful and based on facts will ensure a form of trust by your visitors. This will keep quality visitors coming back for more.
10. Solidarity – Never deviate from your website’s niche. If a your site is about teddy bears, then you wouldn’t want to include automobile vanity seat covers, unless they are teddy bear related.
Although these guides will get you started, it will be dedication and perseverance that will keep the website from being forgotten. By putting faith in your talents, your website could become a sensation that is frequented by many. Regardless of your niche, visitors could be delighted in what your website is about.
Ken Myers as an Expert Adviser on multiple household help issues to many Organizations and groups, and is a mentor for other “Mom-preneurs” seeking guidance. He is a regular contributor of “find nannies”. You can get in touch with him at
A healthy and professional website is the need of everyone.And to build a website that can make things work for you can only be made when you first adapt new strategies to make it work.Like you have mentioned above that unique content is important but at the same time having a proper look and interface of a website is also important.
Now a days when google is regularly changing the algorithm and releases updates on panda and penguin, there are lots of factors matter for healthy website. A website should be healthy by every means like design, development, SEO, SMO and internet marketing…
Excellent tips are here.I am working from long time and i think i have missed some of that you have shared here.Thanks for all that.
I prefer for content and theme at this time.They works good in website.
Nice tips. i am going to start an online business and these tips will help me out in building a good and innovative website that is also appropriate according to the Google guidelines, right now I am researching on SEO to get a proper layout for the my website and I have seen that the freshness of the content matters a lot for a website.
Really enjoyed this blog post, is there any way I can receive an update sent in an email when you write a new post?
I definitely agree with this sentence “Unique Content – Always build your website around unique and original content.” because it is still the king. No matter how tough the competition is, if you do have a fresh and interesting content you will indeed stand out.
Very valuable post!! All the points you mentioned are very important to create a healthy website. Unique content with best CMS can really pay off.
Everyone needs a healtthy website and the ppoints written are good and will prove helpful t others on the web…so thnks……….!!
Quoting the author ” Although these guides will get you started, it will be dedication and perseverance that will keep the website from being forgotten. By putting faith in your talents, your website could become a sensation that is frequented by many.”
It is true, even if you have all the right strategies and guidelines for blogging, it would be a waste of time and effort if you, the owner or administrator does not have the aspects of a successful blogger. You need to be patient, persistent, futuristic, interested among other qualities of a leader, a winner, an authority if you want your blog to matter.
Having a blog is not work, the job is making it matter.
Content Management Systems are becoming more and more popular as a useful tool to build website rankings. Thanks for sharing the wonderful tips.
I always check the HTML code against W3 Validator, which is a great thing. There are two main reasons why I do that. The first is, my customer gets the assurance seeing his website’s code has no errors. The second reason is self-development process which makes be a better HTML coder.
Great tips for a good website. As for the saying first impression is last impression, one must have easy and good looking website with all the important sections clearly visible. Better if you add the feature of related topics so that when a person lands on a webpage for related search term then he can also navigate through similar content that might interest him/her.
I definitely agree with this sentence “Unique Content – Always build your website around unique and original content.” because it is still the king.
You have mentioned very valid points above.Content and keyword both are most import things if your web site is SEO based so make sure it should be highly traffic gainer kind of material.
johnny hood recently visited:-
Good content structure is definitely help. Apart from being informative, a well written content may also work for SEO to get high SE ranking, thus may attract a lot of organic traffic.