Which Affiliate Program Do you Use?

In today’s internet crazy world where everyone is entice by the get rich quick scheme floating all around the internet everyone is trying to make money online but is it that easy? No it isn’t don’t be fooled. There are some that is making decent earnings online so that they can live the playboy lifestyle but not all of us are that lucky. This brings to ask this question which affiliate programs are you using? Well as you are quite aware there are quite a few that you can use to earn a decent living or at least make some form of cash online?

There are a lot of affiliate programs some reputable and some shady but without a doubt you can make money from affiliate programs but you should do a thorough research and go with your gut feelings and remember if it sounds too good then get a second opinion. There are lots of new affiliate programs that sprang up daily I recently joined one over on the Thesisawesome website run by the owner of famousbloggers.net selling Thesis skin. I must mentioned that there are affiliate links mentioned in this post. That is just about thesis however as i have mentioned before don’t get disappointed there are loads of affiliate programs that can make you money.

Which affiliate programs should you choose? This is a good question but I can not recommend any affiliate program I use a few sound I have never made any cash from but that does not means you won’t. Making money from your affiliate program depends on lots of things, one main factor is your geographical location where your traffic comes from by that i mean if your traffic comes from a country where internet shopping is not popular then clearly your chance of success becomes slim.

What affiliate programs are you using? I know many of you use some affiliate programs at some point in time but did you have any success with them? Which one is the better both with payouts and reputation speaking of reputation this is a very important factor when choosing the affiliate of your choice. Did you have any bad experience with an affiliate program? If so share your experience with us. Please share your thought about the affiliate market place and if there is any program that you would recommend then feel free to share it with us.


23 thoughts on “Which Affiliate Program Do you Use?”
    1. Thanks Shabnam affiliate marketing is a great way of making money online some of us fail while some succeed but are they still a good source of income for us bloggers? Thanks for your comment.

  1. Honestly, I have never ever benefited from any of the affiliate programs which I have tried till date. I think I have tried tonnes of affiliate programs till date. Still using some on my blog, presently. I don’t know how people are able to make money from such programs. One of the reasons could be yes, Geography – The place or location from you get most of the traffic and to me, it looks as if until and unless, you don’t have tonnes of traffic on your site, which is quite strong in the niche you are targeting…then there is absolutely nothing to hope with this affiliate thing. Better look for the alternatives. Or else you can also do one more thing – Break down you niche into sub-niches, look for the related affiliate programs and products and then finally try them on your sites based on sub-niche. It must work…I think so.

    1. Never made money from affiliate programs all the money i made came from selling ads space or links but still trying to work out a formula for the same you know the saying Aswani never give up.

  2. An affiliate program needs to support good products, needs to have lucrative sales/commission ratio and should pay on time. Before selecting affiliate programs, check for reviews on the web.

    1. You have hit the nail on the head to succeed in any affiliate program we need to research read reviews and the good commission sales ratio makes a great catch and will encourage more effort from the promotion side.

  3. Kudos Gary. ThesisAwesome is just that, awesome. Hesham has been doing a really nice work around his Thesis skins and his affiliate program is definitely one that marketers should not be missing out on, specially if they are running Thesis. A very sound advice 🙂

    1. Thanks DiTesco you know i am a fan of Thesis so i have no problem promoting thesisawesome skins for Hesham great site and think there is a futher for it the only drawback is that the popularity of thesis seems as if it is not growing much

    1. Surely affiliate programs need needs hard work constant promotion and marketing is essential to gain the upper hand in this competitive industry jsut signing up and putting up a banner is not the end of it.

  4. i agree with you that geographical location can make a lot of difference when we are earning money through affiliation program

    1. This does really play a part in the success of our affiliate marketing strategy as you rightly said but don’t forget we need to work really hard to achieve the benefits. Thanks for taking the time to leave your comment

  5. Well clickbank is probably the most well known, I do use it but I also like commission junction and affiliate window.

    Depends what your selling physical or down loadable.


  6. Hi Lawmacs,
    I will appreciate you to start a topic of my interest. I have joined Commission Junction and promoted its products on my blogs but could not earn even a penny in the whole month before this I was earning a handsome amount from a PPC network. I realize that it might be due to geolocation of my visitors that mostly comes from Asian countries where Online shopping is not popular but I quit CJ Program and will not join again, never.

  7. This would be the big helpful question on what affiliate program you’re going to use. Before making any business online you should come up with this. So what will be your suggested affiliate program?

  8. Choosing the right product to promote and sell is very important, also being as honest as you can it is also very important in gaining the trust of your readers. I haven’t earn any money yet from my affiliate product, but I hope to change this soon.

  9. Well to start, Amazon is great and ClickBank.
    Clickbank should be easier for beginner as Amazon earning is quite low.

  10. To be successful with an affiliate, just stick with it and learns all the ropes before moving on to another one. Try to pick the most famous and reliable affiliate first.

  11. Pick a well known affiliate program and stick with it. Learn all the ropes and don’t give up until it makes some income. Don’t hop on affiliate until you are confortable with one.

  12. I hope one day I can get decent income from affiliate. I really love making passive income especially via online working. Now i am trying to promote premium wordpress them and hope one day soon my site can generate regularly money.

  13. I manage thousands of affiliates, all earning the best incomes and I am also the Chief Executive of a UK based International Employment/Jobs Company and I love this post. I don’t have a journalism degree, but I do have an English degree and I am writer by passion and by trade. I can’t tell you how often I am infuriated by people who fail at writing but think they are great at it.

  14. Or else you can also do one more thing – Break down you niche into sub-niches, look for the related affiliate programs and products and then finally try them on your sites based on sub-niche. You have hit the nail on the head to succeed in any affiliate program we need to research read reviews and the good commission sales ratio makes a great catch and will encourage more effort from the promotion side.

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