The world wide web sees a new website everyday but are all websites SEO friendly. Only an SEO friendly website can reach the top of the search engine. The below article give some tips for having an SEO friendly website.Everyone has a website, everyone is in competition. But have you ever thought if your website is SEO friendly or not? If you want to be on top of the search engine then remember that your website should be SEO friendly. You can run a successful marketing campaign, PPC ads etc. but they only drive a lot of traffic to your blog/websites, but it will never improve the conversion rate. An SEO friendly website is the important aspect behind successful conversion.
All major search engines, like Google, Yahoo and Bing, make use of a particular technology to index a website on their search pages, and rank the sites based on their back links and on-page & off-page optimization. So make sure when you think of getting a website give high priority to it being SEO friendly. Once your website gets designed as per the SEO standards, it will fulfil every intention of running a website. Many professional web design company build websites keeping SEO in mind. SEO friendly content will always help SEO experts to take your website to the top of the search engine very easily.
So what do you need to know for making your website SEO friendly? Every time you get your design done make sure the website has the following points.
- Make sure that your website is compatible with all the major browsers.
- Each & every page of your website should possess a unique title and description.
- Placing the keywords in the header is another factor that can help increasing the ranking of your website.
- Company name or the business related keywords should be kept as “alt text” for the logo.
- Another point that is important is that the menu of the website should always be placed at the top.
- Your website content should contain the desired keywords related to your business.
- Always keep all your CSS and JavaScript files in external folders. This will help you to decrease the page size which means your visitors do have to scroll too much to view the complete webpage, plus it will increase the loading speed of the page.These are some of the tips that will help you with having an SEO friendly website. Follow these tips and you will reap a lot of success with your business.image credit Seo consultants
Author bio:- Brian is web designer at offshore web design company providing clean, professional and good looking Web Design Services which deal with the latest web standards.
It is also important to link internally to other pages within your website with the relevant anchor text. Search engines see these anchor text and take it as reference when ranking your pages in their index.
Thanks Andreas internal linking is very important that way the authority will flow within your pages which can increase rankings in serach engine results page
Thanks Lawmacs, very useful tips These are realistic and easily applicable techniques to get the best in SEO. One of the last variables that Google takes also into account now, is the loading speed of a website.
The news was out long time ago that page speed will be including in the ranking factors however with all the plugins and widgets out there we have to be very careful that we don’t over do it.
the on-page SEO is the easy part. The most difficult part is getting high quality backlinks, with keyword rich anchor texts… well, as long as you don’t have a blog on a topic that can go viral, with others placing backlinks to your posts because they are usefull, then it’s pretty difficult to get them naturally.. and that’s the difficult part of SEO
There are many ways to get high quality backlinks to your websites and one of them is to employ a seo specialist to get the job done can be very expensive .
Very useful and informative tips from Brian. SEO isn’t dead but certainly has gone more innovative these days. The only thing which I feel one must do is to stick to the basics of SEO which looks really simple as mentioned above by Brian. Keep it up..!
Innovative is the right word Aswani the techniques are changing daily and we as bloggers need to keep up with the ever changing trends but again nothing is wrong with sticking to the basics.
Nice tips
keyword stuffing should be avoided in the post.
I agree with Andreas regarding using of Anchor text in the article.
Thanks Shabnam and as you rightly said keyword stuffing should definately be avoided You comment is much apppreciated.
The point about unique meta title and description for pages has been a real headache for me recently – I have been doing SEO for a site that has hundreds of almost identical products which has meant that I need to slightly reword the same sentence several hundred times. It involves a huge amount of creativity to actually say very little.
Hi sam first of al i must welcome you to my blog and thanks for stopping and taking the time to add your voice to the debate here meta title and page descriptions are important as this is what are displayed in search results.
Those are great tips! keep up such great shares!
Some great tips, simple, but great! Google seems to be using more dynamic titles for displaying search results, which is good in some respects, but means your main title tag may never be used!
If some one wants to make his web unique and friendly with every browser than he or she must consider all these points while creating and after creating. the best post so far which make me to think about these point that how much my own website possess.
Its an informative blog with simple tips. I loved your post and will be telling others about it. Thanks for sharing this wonderful tips..
Its really very helpful content for me but i want more clarification about the title name,meta tag name and our page url name . Is it having same keyword in all?
This is not new, but very important point fo SEO. Thanks for interesting post
Its bad that so many people ignore the power a real website that has been search engine optimized can have. But hey, its good for me, I get their customers
The point about unique meta title and description for pages has been a real headache for me recently – I have been doing SEO for a site that has hundreds of almost identical products which has meant that I need to slightly reword the same sentence several hundred times. It involves a huge amount of creativity to actually say very little.
Thanks for sharing about the importance of SEO for a business website. I think all webmaster must consider SEO factors when they create a website. Yes, SEO surely will make your business grow
One main thing for creating a S.E.O friendly website is to realize the basic CSS(Cascading Style Sheet) and javascript patterns.
It’s good to have an SEO friendly website because it is an important source of developing the business marketing through Internet. Like other Mass Medias, Internet is one of the best providers of marketing and market Knowledge.
SEO friendly website can reach the top of the search engine and that would be quite difficult!
Hi.. Search Engine Optimization plays an important role in achieving traffic for one’s website.The points you have made are really useful and appreciable.Thanks for sharing with us.
Any website can be made SEO friendly by having the services of any SEO company. Internet marketing provides a lot of advantages to any website inn ranking well and reach to the top. It consists of SEO, SMO, and PPC. These different services optimize any website in different manner to make it SEO friendly.
These are great pointers in making a website SEO friendly. This is really helpful to everyone because for all we know every website owners aim to get the top position on Google.
Internal is like the heart of a site really improper links within the site could affect the overall SEO process. Well said. Cheers.
Many think play better role as content should be fresh good and contextual link building etc. also title tag play exception role in seo and others h1, h2, .. tag. Thanks for the tips on the blog comments. I have also established that commenting on blogs has helped hits to my site.
very useful tips, Search engine optimization is most important part of marketing your business. today every things are available in web so SEO plays an important role which provides data to person who search.
Great information here! I think many people miss the point with SEO. Of course there are many strategies and tactic to employ but when you realize that all of the major search engines use slightly different algorithms and formulas to determine how to rank your site it doesn’t make sense to go overboard with SEO. Following the principles of solid white hat SEO will provide you with a solid ranking assuming you have great and original content.
There are many tips that can actually improve your website as per seo terms which can give your high ranking and gain business.
Browser compatibility,cookie request extension,keyword specification in appropriate HTML text field attribute for different blog URL determines the requirement and popularity for sustaining in the organization.
Above all even we have to take care of keyword density. I affect in SERP in positive as well as negative. It should be take care of very much.
Thanks for the info. It is really a lot of help since I myself am working on SEO for my website. This is my first website so there are a lot of things that I still need to learn. It is really nice to find an interesting an helpful blog that I can actually understand. i even book marked it for future reference haha. Thanks again.
Wow, great article and great comments. This blog has plenty of fresh and relevant content and is gaining page rank fast. If you ready the article and the tips contained in it, compare it to this very post. His chosen keyword phrase is “tips to make your website SEO friendly”. All of the content supports that, and the H1 text is the exact keyword phrase.
It’s also advisable to monitor your site’s loading time.This is really important especially now that Google Panda Update has been implemented.
Thanks allot I had some confusions about SEO and after reading this blog I am clear and I am going to start SEO for my page.
Backlinks are so important to seo and what you said here is equally as important to backlinking and seo too. Keep on doing what you do. Thanks
Title, H1 tags, H2 tags are also most important in SEO. The keywords should be repeated at least 2 times in the content of the website which is also known as keyword density.
Thanks for sharing useful tips about SEO Friendly websites and I want to also share some tips to make your website SEO Friendly which will be helpful to everyone.
Website is compatible with all the major browsers.
Unique title and description in Meta tag.
Use business related keywords
Use Keywords in the header tag
Use keywords in alt Tag
User friendly navigation
W3C Validate
I Hope helps,
Thanks for the SEO tips. I think before somebody put up a site/blog, they should have at least a little knowledge in SEO. That way they start right and won’t realize afterwards that they made mistakes. It takes even a longer time correcting mistakes especially if you have already lots of pages up.
Nice tips here, and not only for newbies, as you can always see how people, who own site for two-three years neglect such important details as browsers compatibility or internal linking.
Good read. Working on several SEO projects myself, and finding how client competitors are creating fake
Nice post.You shared some great SEO Tips.I am really impress to your this blog post.SEO is now a viable online marketing tool for a lot of businesses. If you truly want your client to reap the benefits of having an online presence, then SEO is a necessity.Thanks for sharing.
I have been doing SEO for a site that has hundreds of almost identical products which has meant that I need to slightly reword the same sentence several hundred it is very usefull to seo.
this is so amazing information for me! SEO is a key tool in e-commerce! I am studying many main tips to do SEO best! thank your your news here!
Hi there, nice post and some good useful tips, ok the post is a few years old now but he principals of seo have not changes and all of the points you raise are valid, focus not is very much on quality and value of content, keep everything unique, don’t copy and paste and write for people not for the search engine, the algorithm keeps advancing and getting better so the internet marketers need to follow suite and deliver quality to be ranked, that is my opinion, thank you.
Very good article, I appreciate your content and images, hope you will share more in the future.