The Sunday Post Web Round Continues


October 10, 2010 , , ,
<p>There is no doubt that WordPress is the most popular blogging platform very easy to use and full of lots of plugins one such plugin is Wordpress review site plugin this is a brilliant add on for wordpress one website one such website is WordPress 4 Internet Marketing this website provides a comprehensive review of the available review site plugins for wordpress. This website provides you with all the details and information about these plugins and even gives you the comparison and explain which ones are free and the benefits that these software offers. </p> <p>I have been to this website and found the information provided here to be very useful and in depth plain and honest. taking a closer look at this website i found lots of useful reviews about the available plugins for wordpress this is a website i highly recommend for information on wordpress products whether it be  WordPress shopping cart plugins or worpress site review plugins this website wordpress 4 internet marketing provides you with all the help and advice you need. The next time you need plugins for your wordpress website i suggest that you visit WordPress 4 Internet Marketing  so whenever you are looking for plugins for the worlds most popular blogging platform looking no further you can find them in one place whether it be a shopping cart plugin or just a simple review site plugin Wordpress 4 Internet Marketing is the place to go now have your say and let me know what you think about this website.</p>

The Sunday PostThe web round up series continues, again during my journey around the web I stumbled upon some brilliant and informative post. I strongly believe in net working with other bloggers and sharing of resources. During my networking relationship with my fellow bloggers I came across some great articles which I found very interesting and I believe that they are worth sharing with everyone who reads or visit this blog. Firstly I must say a big thank you to all of you who have supported my blog; I really appreciate your thoughtful comments here. Words cannot tell how much I have appreciated your visit and participation here. Now let’s get down to “Round Up”

With that said here are the highlights for Round Up

Change Your Behavior and Take Control of Your Life – One of the biggest moments in my life was when I made the decision to give up the 9-to-5 routine and start my own business. At one point or another, you probably decided that it was time to make a major change in your life, too—possibly a change that you were so serious about, you told everyone your plans and maybe even spent some money in preparation.

Website Monetization Can be Good for SEO– Website monetization can be good for SEO… You probably think I’m talking nonsense, but you will change your mind by the end of the article. We already talked about basic types of website monetization, so you should have a clear idea of what monetization is and how to implement it. If you are new just take a look at the right side of the blog, you will see ads and banners,

10 Surefire Ways To Disrupt Your Success – I’m a firm believer that most people who are failing to achieve success are usually their own worst enemy. I know that many of us, including myself, are guilty of certain types of behaviour that hinder our own success. Listed below are 10 of the most common things people do that can undermine your efforts to become successful.

When your Blogging becomes an Addiction ! – A question comes to my mind – can anything be as addictive as blogging? Well, I cannot think of anything else when it is quite rightly blogging itself. Having been to this field from long, I must say it all requires a start and of course, you need a start for each and everything you want to accomplish in your life. Isn’t it so?

2 Firefox add-on to capture screenshots – Screen capture tools are fantastic way to share things with your readers if you are a blogger. Earlier I wrote a post on screen capture tools for Mac but if you are a Firefox user like me the here are 2 Firefox add-on with which you can take screen shots.

Free Links – 18 Ways To Get High Quality Free Back links Instantly – Building high quality links involves gruelling efforts most of the time, may it be through search and mainly in building it. The most effective ones are usually content based (tedious) and sometimes need approval from the owner of the site

Growmap Anti-Spam-bot Plug-in –   Now Available at Word Press Plug-in Repository -Andy has uploaded the new GrowMap Anti-Spambot Plugin to the Official Word Press Plug-in Repository. I will ask Derek to add a Tab to make it easier to access. Please see the page with full details about this new alternative to Akismet here.

There you have it another in the series. I must say that round is here to stay and if you have been visiting a blog that has some great post that you think worth reading or sharing by all means feel free to drop me a line and I will have them feature here. Round Up was designed with the intention of rewarding my fellow bloggers. This is to build blogging relationship and introducing others so that we can grow our community. So feel free to start a series of your own, do you think this would be a good idea? Share your thoughts.


22 thoughts on “The Sunday Post Web Round Continues”
  1. Hi Gary,

    Thanks once again for including my post in your “round up”….I really appreciate you doing that.

    What you’re doing for the community is very generous and a great way to highlight all these excellent sites. Keep up your great work!

    1. Hi Robert
      Glad that you like the Round Up you are very experience in your Niche and it is always a pleasure reading your post and i get lots of information from them. Keep up the brilliant work you are doing

  2. Thanks again for adding one of my posts to your round up series, I also see you have some rather great articles here, like Robert’s 10 surefire ways to disrupt your success 🙂

    1. That is a very great post written by Robert one of my regaulr readers and i visit his blog very often Zarko he is very experience and knowledgable in his niche.

  3. Great list and I can see my post again in your roundup. Thanks so much bro for all your kind support. You have been wonderful. Have a great weekend..Cheers !!

    1. Thanks Aswani Round Up was design for the bloggers who support this blog and i am always trying to show my appreciation and i strongly believe in networking.

    1. Thanks for your kind words and i am glad you like these links that i had shared here and i do hope you find the links useful and of benefit to you and your readers please feel free to share them with your fellow bloggers.

  4. Awesome round up there Gary! I particularly enjoyed Robert and Zarko’s post. Thanks for mentioning my post as well! I really appreciate it 🙂 I’m also thinking of doing this round up post to give more value to my readers, since I’ve been very busy these past few weeks, I guess redirecting my traffic to worth reading materials is the best option for now, the only problem is that it’s really hard to think of a title for that series.


    1. Thanks Jason i could probably suggest a name for the series you could call it something like post from the web or Around the web it would be a good idea if more bloggers start doing this.

  5. Hi lawmacs:

    Awesome post here. I like the up beat tone and the warmth of so many many other blogs that you mentioned. A great traffic provider.

    Keep up the good work

    Fran Aslam

    1. Thanks Fran i am glad you like this post and i enjoy reading your blog who knowsone of your awesome post might just be on the next Round Up Thanks again for your comment.

  6. the 18 ways of getting links list was very interesting, thanks for that. i’ll let you know what kind of results i get.

    1. Thanks for your comment and welcome on board glad you like the post the 18 ways indeed is a very interesting post i do hope you continue to visit my blog

    1. You are welcome Peter blogging addiction was a great write up from a blogger whose blog i visit very often sometimes daily Glad you found round up interesting

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