Writing For search Engines
Writing for search engines are a very important factors to help your website or Blog ranked well with search engines especially Google i say Google because without a doubt Google is the king of search engines and no point arguing…
Website Design Tips Blog Promotion
After spending the time to create your professional looking website choosing your keywords now it is time for your Blog Promotion here i will share with you what i have learn as a new blogger trying to get establish trusted…
Keywords for search Engines
You spend months planning your website picking and choosing your domain name and your graphic designer did a perfect job with the sites design and now it is time to choose your keywords for search engines campaign the is another…
Website design tips –Part 2 Keywords
In my last post i wrote about “Good Website Design and Content” in this post i will be writing about “keywords” but what are keywords and are they of any use to a web designer and his website. I will…
Good Website Design and Content
When designing your website you should always remember to design your site not the pages your main goal should be to make it easier for your users to use design your entire site in such a way that it appeals…