The last post I wrote titled Bloggers Define Yourself I got a question asked from one of my readers asking how to be a good blogger and continued writing great articles week in week out for their audiences. Well there are many qualities that a bloggers needs to have and in my previous post we define what a blogger is and now we will look at some of the qualities that makes a good blogger continuously writes good content and keeps his readers engaged. We can list a million qualities but there are those that stand out in my mind.
Passion – Been passionate as a blogger is one of such qualities that any blogger need to have been passionate about what we do and write about is essential this gives us the ability to write and inspire others. Been able to share information with your audience, passion is the desire a strong feeling to do something. Just imagine having passion and the knowledge that is the power for any blogger.
Dedication – is define as making a pledge so what is that for a blogger? Making a pledge to write quality and useful content interact with your readers share your knowledge is a big quality as a blogger if you are a dedicated blogger you will overcome whatever obstacle you face which as bloggers there can be many. This is about having the never say die spirit fighting the writer’s block to inspire others.
Drive and Determination – Another two good qualities we need to posses as bloggers there will always be times when everything seems to be going the wrong way around we need to pick up ourselves and get going. Ask any season bloggers they will tell you that sometimes they can’t seems to find the topic to write about or better just cannot find the motivation to write but through drive and dedication they dig deep find a topic and start writing.
This is a question for you what qualities should a good blogger have? We look at Passion, dedication, Drive and determination we could add the ability to learn to the list and many more. I challenged you to share what you believe are the qualities that makes a good blogger. Finally don’t forget that a blogger also needs a blog to be a good blogger share your thoughts, and don’t forget to spread the word after all sharing is caring it is your turn to have your say.
Hi Gary, I got here first, got your tweet
The three points you mention pretty much round up what a blogger should have in terms of qualities.
One thing a blogger should never do is write for the sake of writing, if you don’t have something with quality to say wait, do some more research. I have seen plenty of bloggers making the mistake of sacrificing quality in order to post regularly.
You mentioned it in the end, but one thing that makes a blogger great is the ability to learn and develop as he goes. We need to develop so that our blog and our readers can develop with us
That is true Zarko this is one of the fastest comment i have recieved on one of my post and i totally agree with you we as bloggers need to be able to adjust and developed as we go a long a while back a wrote a post titled bloggers are you up to date
You might be right from a general point of view. But bringing out of top quality post every day is not possible..I think
. So you should concentrate on both quality and general articles.
Hello, Gary. The qualities you have mentioned here should really be found in bloggers for them to be effective. Another thing that a blogger should also have is a good command of the language he is using to write with. Good spelling and grammar is very important in blog posts.
– Wes –
Good grammar and spelling is very important to a blogger when writing post this is good for readers and it also shows some form of professionalism to the blogger thanks for your comment
The above mentioned points are must for a blogger Gary :).There was a time few months back when i wanted to quit blogging as was not finding any motivation but then soon i was back with more determination.
Bloggers should have lots of patience and perseverance as many times things don’t go well.
Above all the points it is essential that they write quality posts.
Thanks Shabnam write quality post is an attribute of a great blogger no doubt this is essential been dedicated is a key factor to gain self motivation which is the best form of motivation for any blogger Thanks for your warm words.
Wow nice article..Gary… Definitely these points must be followed to be successful blogger
Firstly let me welcome you here and it is a pleasure to see you here and i am very pleased to know that you found the post to be of interest Thanks for your comment
Awesome post Gary,
If one is dedicated and focused about his blog and willing to share then ideas automatically come I think on what to write next.
The only thing I have seen many new bloggers asking is that “How to write impressive articles to attract more visitors?” That shows that they don’t believe themselves and are afraid whether users will like his post or not.
Will you share a word about it?
That is true been dedicated and focus as bloggers will helped us to write the great post that we are expected to write and with your question yes i will shed some light on that topic in one of my future post Thanks for your continued support
I couldn’t have agreed more. These are surely the must have qualities for any blogger. Passion to me is the most important thing. If you miss it, you miss everything. This is what keeps me be honest. To follow it up, dedication and determination, you need to have these qualities if at all you want to be successful in the long run. I would like to one more thing here, as a blogger you may have a short term goal or a long term goal or whatever it maybe, you have to make sure that at any time in your blogging, you are not giving up. Patience is what required from any blogger who is seriously into these stuffs and has a desire to get maximum output from his blogging especially if he/she is blogging to make money online. Most people fail because of the lack of patience. Must remember – Nothing happens overnite. Slowly but surely it begins to pay off provided you are following the basics.
Blogging is long road Aswani Dedication, commitment and patience are thre great qualities to posses if you are in it for the long run there will always be rocky time ahead but we need to persevere and get through these rough times Thanks for your warm words.
You pretty summed up what is need needed to be a quality blogger Gary. In my opinion, drive and determination is very important specially if you are looking to monetize your website. Nothing happens overnight and without it, it is almost sure that success will be never be found.
Hi Ditesco it is always a pleasure to have you here you are right Drive and Determination is two key ingredients a blogger must posses in order to survive and along with that patience especially if you want to monetise your blog Thanks again ditesco for stopping by.
Great article as usual! They are all important quality a blogger should to have. Maybe determination is the most important if you are trying to monetize your website.
Thanks Nicola i am glad that you found the post of interest and you are right Determination is a must quality for bloggers as this is what drives you on when things get rough Thanks for adding your voice to the dedate
I think determination and dedication, these two things are more essential. Once they have with you, the rest can be achieved automatically.
Been dedicated is avery good quality for every blogger to poses this s a good attribute for success and with determination this is the drive that encourages us to keep going if things are not going the way we would like Thanks tammy for adding your voice to this debate
Every blogger should have passion about blogging. there may be times,when a blogger fall short of ideas. But if you are a passionate blogeer,then you will get the idea to write about.
Hey Gary,
Great read there mate! I’m totally with you on what you’ve mentioned. All of the qualities included in the article are valid and having them is of a great importance if you want to achieve success as a blogger. Actually in my opinion they are not only related to blogging and apply on pretty much every other business. Not being passionate about what you are doing certainly makes things ten times harder. If you are not driven by passion, then your motivator is probably money. Unfortunately for those doing it just for the money, the ones that succeed in most cases are the ones driven by passion and determination.
Firstly i must take tis opportunity to welcome you Daniel her. Now i must say it pretty sum of the post brilliant as a blogger driven by passionate and dertermination that is absolutely the road to success. Thanks for adding your voice to the debate.
Passion, Dedication, and Determination are all that needed to be success in blogging. With these three, 99% your blog will be success — yeah, I may little hyperbolic here — but I only want to tell that these three play important role on the blogging.
No absolutely right having these three qualities as a bloggera nd as Daniel mention they are qualities any business owner should have Thanks for your input and adding your voice to the debate Dana
I would also mention a strong psychic. Whenever you start to do something and you start to be successful there will be some haters that will attack you.
brilliant idea It gave me a lot of knowledge today about blogging. thank you this.
Excellent write up Autor. A lot of effort behind that post and some really good tips – cheers.
Interesting post, keep the good stuff coming, good content appreciated!
Being a blogger is to be passionate, dedicated, motivated and determined enough in order to achieve their goals online. I think being true to oneself and friendly to others are other good qualities bloggers need to have.
I agree.. content that should be a useful blog
Excellent site! I am loving it!! Will come back again, That article got me thinking. Wonderful writing style. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Wonderful article. A great read. Thank you.
This is good advice. I think one quality a blogger can have is to not be afraid to give their opinions.
I think a good blogger should be sincere, because when you write about something you believe in, the other people are going to trust you.