Features Of Java Web Development

Java DevelopmentJava is one of the most extensively used general purpose programming language that is used for developing a variety of IT solutions. Originally, Java was created by Sun Microsystems to develop high quality web apps and to get the most out of World Wide Web. Mentioned below are some of the features that make Java web development so effective.
Portability: Java is a platform independent language which means that application developed with Java can be easily executed over any machine, provided the Java virtual machine has been installed in it. Almost all the operating systems and web browsers have in-built Java support which makes it useful for all types of devices.

Quick, Easy And Efficient Programming: Java comes along with a wide and excellent set of APIs which makes programming much easier. The language is designed in such a way that it enables programmers to write quick, effective and bug free code. Thus, the time required for developing solutions is greatly reduced which results in cost effective solutions.

Dynamic Apps: Java is an object oriented language and uses “classes” to organize the source code. These classes are called whenever the application is required to be run. Programmers can load classes through Java Interpreter whenever they want and expand the functionality of Java applications according to the requirements. This makes Java applications highly dynamic in nature.

Security: Java has a very large and loyal community which is very prompt in detecting and fixing bugs security related bugs. The constant support and dedication of this community maintains Java as a secure web development platform.

It is common for businesses and organizations to hire Java developers from offshore locations to get the maximum out of this web app development technology.

John Pitt is an industry expert and Java web development specialist. John Likes to write articles on various IT topics, specially web development segment. Currently, John is working at Xicom technologies, a highly reputed software development company In India. Clients can hire java developers and outsource Java development India at Xicom and be rest assured of receiving world class solutions.


20 thoughts on “Features Of Java Web Development”
  1. Agreed – Since Google’s indexing Bot has been able to index certain java features we’ve been seeing interesting and very creative marketing from Java. Though with lack of technical knowledge is not for the amateur.

  2. I tend to agree with Anton. Java is a multiplatform, most of the mobile apps these days are written in Java, but it’s not for amators. I have tried several times to learn Java, but I always got to a point where I could not understand anything.

  3. Java is becoming more popular now a days, because of increase in smartphone users. And there is no doubt that Java is quite secure.

  4. java is good one and becoming more popular now a days your article is best i like the information which u shared thanks for sharing good job carry on.

  5. As per new web development trend, java becoming a very popular for web development. You made some great points about Java. Thanks for sharing really great stuff. I would like to share this post with my friends.

  6. I actually think Java is one of my favorite languages. It was one of the first ones I learned and it really does have an excellent API. Also the IDE I used for it, Eclipse, makes it very easy to use and has a great debugging tool to find those tricky errors.

  7. All features are to be agreed upon, I have always been finding difficulty in using JAVA for programming.

  8. Java is one of my favorite programing languages. It has been used in many devices and platforms. So it’s essential to learn more about Java Web Development

  9. I tend to agree with Anton. Java is a multiplatform, most of the mobile apps these days are written in Java, but it’s not for amators. I have tried several times to learn Java, but I always got to a point where I could not understand anything. i like suggest your java

  10. Java is one of also favorite programing language. It has been used in many devices and platforms and that many application software,applet and webdesign used for this language. i like your java language.

  11. I have been agreed java development is easy and secure for standard and dynamic web development. As per new web development attitude, java becoming a very popularity for web development. thank for sharing java great stuff.

  12. I completely agree with all features.Java development is easy and secure for standard and dynamic web development.Moreover is java is quite secure.

  13. But Java has a disadvantage. If some website use java, you should install or download some plugins. But I agree that it is good lang.

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  15. Good blog,
    it is very useful for new java learner.
    I also want to add in it OOPs concept.
    Abstraction: To hide unnecessary things.
    Encapsulation: To bin the data in a single unit.
    Inheritance: To enhance(take) the property from any other class.
    Polymorphism: Single command multiple execution according to the method.

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