4 Guest Post Writing Tips


January 6, 2011 , ,

As a blogger you have decided to write your first guest post, “Wow” what a great idea, yes it is and I will agree with you that writing guest posts has its advantages and disadvantages. First thing is that you have to think about it and I surely hope you had? There is hundreds of reason why you should want to write guest post but it should all boil down to one simple reason and that is because you have something to offer so please stop think before you write don’t let yourself be embarrassed. Here are four valuable tips for writing Guest Posts. Read on.

(1) Choose the Right Blog

I bet you have never thought about this, it is important that you choose the right blog by doing so you are ensuring that your writing style fits in well with the blog that will host your Guest Post. When choosing a blog to submit your Guest Post you need to make sure that not just your writing style fits with the blog but also the audience of that blog. A word of caution remembers Quality not Quantity that matters this will make the difference between you post been accepted or rejected.

(2) Choose the Right Topic

This is another point to bear in mind, the topic you choose to write about must be one that you are comfortable with and knowledgeable about and most importantly one that fits within the Niche of that blog. If your topic is already been written about feel free to write on that topic as long as you can provide fresh ideas and information on that topic then that’s great or you need to pick a topic that has not yet been covered but fits well within the blogs’ niche never provide duplicated content.

(3) Choose the Right Niche

Just as how choosing the right topic is important so is choosing the right Niche, if your Niche is about Web design then stick to a blog that covers Website Design don’t go choosing a niche about Marketing when you have never written about it before. I am not trying to discourage you here feel free to write about it if you do you research and feel comfortable enough to do so.

(4) Choose Your Writing Style

This is a personal choice; your writing style comes from within you. The personal style you choose will make a big difference to the outcome of your article. Not because it is a Guest Post you are writing that doesn’t means your style of writing have to change no just remember you are born original so why change and become a copy.

Let’s Recap

Guest Blogging is a great way of showcasing yourself on the internet this can also helps to highlight your blog and drive enormous amount of traffic to your blog. It has great potential both for the owner and the writer. I am no expert here however from past experience and outcome I receive from writing Guest Posts I know that if you apply these four simple steps correctly your post won’t get rejected. Do you have guidelines set out for writing Guest Post? If so please feel free to add yours.


45 thoughts on “4 Guest Post Writing Tips”
  1. Hi Gary. I think you make a really good point about choosing the right niche – there are many blogs out there that are so random and lack focus. So, it’s key that you choose the right blog for your topic, and an area expertise that you’re comfortable with.

    1. Choosing the right Niche is really important because if you write about Marketing then you should make sure the Niche you choose support Marketing and stick to your topic that will makes the difference to your article been accepted or rejected.

  2. Great tips. These tips are surely guidelines for any blogger who wishes to do a guest posting or is willing to accepting a guest post from any blogger. I have been following most of these tips and will certainly stick to it. Thanks for these useful tips. Keep writing.

    1. Thanks Aswani i am glad that you found these tips useful writing guest post is a good way of showcasing your talent and your blog as bloggers we should stick to our Niche the one we are good at and copliments our blog.

  3. Good Stuff. Writing guest post is the single most valuable form of gaining exposure and credibility online, not to forget getting quality backlinks should you apply correctly the method you mentioned on #1 and #3. Once you get a website owner to guest post you should really put in the effort to do the best you can.

    1. Thanks Ditesco writing guset post can gain you lots of quality backlinks and new readers once you got this right there can be enormous benifit both for tou and the blog owners Thanks for adding your voice to the debate.

  4. This is a great tutorial …one of the best I’ve seen from you yet. I really appreciate you sharing your inside tips and tricks with us little guys.

  5. Does calling your guest posts Pop Posts have a different effect on things? lol

    Ok, honestly, these are some good tips to keep in mind. 🙂

    1. Thanks fo stopping by and adding your voice to the debate i do hope you find the post useful and bear these tips in mind before you starting writing and submitting your guest post to blog owners for approval

    1. Thanks Sbanam i am glad to know that you found these tips useful and you are good at writing gues post so no need for you to worry Thanks for stopping by and adding your voice to the debate.

  6. When guest blogging, it is important to follow all rules set by the blog owner in order to successfully publish your blog post there, otherwise your efforts to contact the blog owner about a guest post may be wasted.

    1. Thanks for your comment and i must take this opportunity to welcome you here i do hope you have a wonderful year Following all rules set by the blog owner is very important this will makes the difference between your post been accepted or rejected.

  7. Hey Gary,

    A very well written article. I am a newbie blogger and hence can gather enough tips from your post. Aswani Srivatsava and I recently exchanged posts and it was a great learning experience.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Ashavini i am happy to see you here Aswani is great friend of mine and a very good blogger with lots of experience. I am glad that you found the blog useful and i do hope to have your continued support here. Thanks for your comment.

  8. Guest blogging is a great way to keep writing, and get to write for lots of different sites. I’m a big proponent of it and think it has some great benefits, least of all being that you get to share your thoughts and opinions with an audience of people.

    While it can be good to write about things you’re not too familiar with, the best writing always comes when you write about what you love. The more passionate you are, the better the writing.

    1. Gust Posting has lots of potential both for you and the blog owner writing quality post is very important as this can make the difference between your post been accepted or rejected. I must agree with the point that the more passionate you are the better you write. Thanks for your comment.

  9. Some excellent tips I think the option is to choose the best blog in your niche and then write your best article .

    1. You are right Bishwajeet choosing the best blog and producing your best post will go a long way in achieing the best results both for you and the blog owner. Thanks for your comment much appreciated.

  10. I have never tried guest posting but I’m planning. This post is very useful for me especially that I’m a beginner. I do blogging but not guest posting. I have always been cautious every time I blog about something because I know that quality content is the key to a successful blog. Thanks for sharing.

    1. There must be a first i have written a few guest post in my time i did enjoy it and get some great feedback and a few new readers not to mention backlinks back to my blog Thanks for your comment much appreciated.

  11. Great tips bro. I do not write guest post, but surely I will follow your tips as I write one. Thanks for sharing, very useful.

    1. You are welcome Nicola writing guest post is good as long as you follow these guidelines hope you have great success with you writing guest post Thanks for your comment

  12. I’ve found ‘choosing the right blog’ to be the hardest one for me now. Making sure that your post meets the criteria and the blogs worthy of publishing are all real challenges.

    1. That is right Peter choosing the right blog can be a pain sometimes because we might be having doubts about if your post will get accepted or not. The best option is to ensure that your post meets the guideline of the blog owner.

  13. I recently started accepting guest blog posts on my site, and I am surprised at how much of a difference it made in traffic and backlinks. Anyway, that got me interested in guest blogging and reading about guest blogging, and that’s how I found this article. Good tips.

    1. Hi Jen welcome to my blog accepting guest post can make a big difference to the traffic to your blog because the writer normally commands some following which will eventually flow over to your site it is like networking. Thanks for adding your voice to the debate.

  14. Hi Gary

    I must be the exception to the rule lol All my guest posts have been outside my niche and other invitations I have had are also not in my niche. Doesn’t seem to many in my niche who have active blogs. Mainly farms with small farmshops selling their products. Have noted a new blog that has gone up that I hope to interact with.

    Cos the topics I chose relate to all bloggers, had an excellent response to my guest posts and brought lots of traffic to the blog owner’s sites. Because someone is a marketer, techie, or whatever they may still be interested in my take on a specific area of blogging I discuss in my GP. Just my 2 cents. And thanks for taking the time to visit my blog and join the conversation there. Much appreciated.

    Patricia Perth Australia

    1. Writing outside of your Niche is okay as long as you are fmiliar with the topic you are writing about Not because you may not consider it as your Niche once you are comfortable with the subject it is alright to tackle the subject. Thanks for adding your voice to the debate.

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  16. I am Following first 3 tips, But the 4th one is sometime very difficult and Ignored by me. I through your own Writing style sometime makes reader Fed up or Bored. That why i write posts in General Way.

  17. Hi, Gary.

    I recently just started guest blogging and I admit, I didn’t exactly look into whether the blog I guest posted in was in line with my niche or not. This didn’t matter much to me because I talked to the blog owners about what the articles they’d prefer to receive before I sent in my guest post. I believe that even if a blog is not within your niche, you can still have something worthwhile to share to their audience. I do go for blogs that offer great influence to the blogging community and are receptive to the needs of fellow bloggers as well as their target audience.

    Finding the right blog, writing with your own personal style and knowing the right topic to talk or write about are great tips for guest blogging though. So, thanks for this post, Gary. I’m sure a lot of people will appreciate this as I did.

    – Wes –

  18. The Best blogging tips ever. Thank you very much for posting. Really amazing blog. I appreciate your work. webhosting.in

  19. Well very effective guest posting tips you have mention in order to get desired results.Thanks for sharing your ideas and suggestions.

  20. Recently I also turned my blog into multi author blog to attract guest authors. Really I am getting some quality writers. My blog is also a do follow commentluv enabled blog.

  21. This blogs is very good for writing tips .We have any write for any sub or topics use for in this blog. So I accept in this blog .

  22. When guest blogging, it is important to follow all rules set by the blog owner in order to successfully publish your blog post there, otherwise your efforts to contact the blog owner about a guest post may be wasted.

  23. Choosing exact and right niches + good content makes you an excellent blogger! Am i making sense? Most blogger wants income from their sites, I’m referring to Adsense, in this case content really matters!

  24. These are good rules to go bye. I hope everyone that does guest blogging reads this. I spend a couple hours a day reading my favorite blogs. It’s always frustrating reading from someone that is writing there only for the link back opportunities.

  25. Definately great tips. For those looking to reduce some time in finding the right blog, MyBlogGuest.com forum is full of bloggers that are looking to host your Guest Posts. Check it out when you get a chance!

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