Round up From The Web


April 3, 2010

This is a bit different from my usual writing which mainly as you may have notice that i tends to write about blogging Search Engine Optimization Link Exchanges and Web Design related topics, however after my normal blog walking journeys i came across a few post that i really like to share with you. Some times as bloggers we often finds some very touching post that we can not help but to share them with others. Like many of you i have met many bloggers who i can now call friends, so it is always good to highlight these issues every now and then.Now i will try and feature a few of them.

40 Famous Guest Bloggers you Should Follow On Twitter #2

This is a post written By Hesham the founder of famous this guy is a good friend of mine, i have to give him lots of credits i have done my first online interview with him at his other popular blog  New Media Bloggers if you missed it feel free to check it out. I take pleasure in recommending this site and this post as its heading suggest some famous bloggers to follow. and now i moved on to the second post which is very fascinating and creative.

Link Love: Have You Thanked Your Angels Lately?

This is the  second post i would like to share with you this post i find very creative has this blogger Ching Ya uses pictures of many bloggers to create a heart shaped photo just to say thanks to all here friends she calls “Angels” i suggest you check this post out and see for your self. This post worth mentioned here. during my travels i meant blog walking there were numerous post to mentioned this would take almost three days to compile not to mentioned the fact that this post would be so long you would probable stop reading before the end.

Others Worth Mentioned

These links here highlights other post i found motivating and needs sharing with you my valid readers :

1. Get friends online – The art of making friends online

2.Extraterrestrial : anybody out there ?

3.What are the Elements of Successful Bloggers?

These are just a few now it is your time to have a say take a look at these post and let me hear you views. and leave you with a question Do you think this is a good idea to continue this topic on a monthly basis a “Monthly Round up” ?. We could show case some interesting blog post here who knows it could be your blog next.


10 thoughts on “Round up From The Web”
  1. Bro, I never expected this but it has happened for my blog. Lost my Google page rank from 4 to 3 for reasons unknown as ever. Anyways, not an issue for me as I never really worked for it. I have left building links a long back and so..maybe.
    Anyways, thanks for sharing these useful links. Glad to see my link there in the post. really nice of you. Yes, you should carry on this monthly roundup of blog walking and sharing some useful stuffs with us. Keep it up and have a nice week ahead 🙂

  2. Did not notice the pr drop Aswani with the knowledge and experince you have in SEO in now time you will get your pr back i predict the next time it will move to a 5 thanks for your suggestion i think i will try and do the montly round ups.

  3. Thanks sis you are a great friend and supporter of this blog and i like your post they bring some very informative information you are worth the mentioned here.

  4. Great idea lawmacs and you should definitely continue doing this on a regular basis. I’m sure all those bloggers really appreciate what you’re doing as it brings them well deserved recognition. A little extra traffic doesn’t hurt either;-)

    Keep up the great work!

  5. Thanks Robert i think this will be great as it will give a little promotion to many of my fellow bloggers a little mentioned will go a long way. Yes i think it is a great idea to continue with.

  6. Thanks elizabeth i have become a fan of your site thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment your support is greatly appreciated.

  7. Great deal you are forwarding to your readers and I am lucky to get all the updates from my blogroll.So you have done a research for this post,thanks because I am reading some profitable words from you for better blogging in coming weeks.

  8. Thanks Robinsh yor kind words are always appreciated and thanks for your support who knows your might be in the next round up.

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