Making Money Online


August 10, 2010 ,

Many bloggers struggle to make money online but why is this you make ask? well there are lots of different factors and theories that may cause this. I must say i am not an expert in online money making opportunity but been around the web for sometime it made me understand that there are opportunities online to earn and can be quite lucrative. however sometimes we fail to earn for several reasons and here are a few if there are others you are welcome to share them with here. Some findings are: lack of experience, lack of knowledge, not doing enough research and the biggest single killer of all is not exercising patience.

There are lots of money making opportunities online the one you choose depends on you and what your aims are and your chosen niche that you are familiar with.Selling ads spot on your blog is an easy way to make money online using websites like could be a good starting point for your blog as long as your blog has a decent amount of traffic. is another website used by bloggers and website owners to generate income adbrite boast to have over seventy thousand publishers in its inventory has a simple approval system is worth a try this system not only pays for clicks put also pays CPM so as long as the traffic keeps rolling in then you will be earning. this another earnings point for webmasters and bloggers to sell text-links on their website one thing i like about this site is that you either uses a plug-in or insert a script on your blog no JavaScript here with over forty thousand publishers to its inventory the only negative thing here is that most publishers believe that by selling text-links on your site Google may penalise your website ranking.

Google Adsense the most popular of the online money making opportunities around use by many bloggers and website owners to make money online but now that the revenue streams are widen and more revenue streams are popping up we have more access to get more ways to earn from our blog. Writing paid reviews is another way of earning from your website sites like payperpost offer bloggers the opportunity to earn do small.

Now what are your ways of Making Money Online share your views here are you making money from your blog or website i know some of you main priority is not to earn from your blog some blog for passion. Just share your thoughts here. Thanks for your input.


29 thoughts on “Making Money Online”
  1. Great post as usual Gary. Are all good system to monetize one blog. I never tried Adbrite, but I’m always tempted to add it on my blog. Can you please give me if is compatible with Adsense?

    1. Yes Nocola it is compatable with adsense and if needs be you can sign up withe link provided Thanks for your comment

  2. Hi Gary,

    As you are probably aware, making money online is a subject that is near and dear to me. 🙂

    You named some of the reasons why people fail at making money online and those are all very true. However, I would like to add another reason why people fail and that would be, not taking action. One of the biggest reasons for that is the fact that they get so overloaded with information, that they end up doing nothing.

    My advice to those people suffering from info overload is to choose one program and stick with it until you’re absolutely sure it will or will not work. It really don’t matter if it don’t work. We learn by doing. Most successful people made many mistakes before they achieved success.

    I’m a big fan of affiliate marketing because of the low risk and low cost to get started. It’s a great way to make some money but it does take lots of hard work, determination and patience.

    Just keep this in mind; there is no magic button and no such thing as overnight riches. If something sounds to good to be true, it usually is. 😉

    1. The old proverbs Robert it is too good to be true when i was wrtitng this post Robert you where at the forefront of my thoughts been around your blog and reading your post it goes without saying Robert your wealth of knowledge is a bonus for those who knows you. Your input is always appreciated Robert

    2. From what I think make money online is not just about earning money from adsense,adbrite or from affiliate marketing . I think if you can deliver quality product/service then everyone will be willing to take it and recommend that as well.

  3. Hey Gary

    I make some money from my blogs via adsense and ads but most of my income is in the niche market area.

    Have you used payperpost? If so how do you like it, does it pay well?

    1. Hi Jenny glad to know that you are making money from adsense not hearing much about it lately and for payperpost i used them and would recommend them as for the pay not really brilliant but can work with.

  4. there are so many ways anyone can do to make passive income through the Internet. it’s just the real equation that people should really have to understand. you may choose to earn from offering your own products or services or promote other products you “believe” is profitable, or what others call “affiliate marketing”.

    The real key to a profitable online business is to just full proof your content, and be honest about how you make your approach in promoting it, then make it visible to “targeted audience”. having targeted traffic driven to your content will give you 60% chance of selling it 🙂 well, that’s easy as being said than done, but with the right actions taken and the right attitude to push through it will make everything work in the end.


    1. Thanks Jason visited your blog and found some wealth of information Thanks for sharing your knowledge here and i hope we can build a relationship and your visit is noot the last here

  5. I agree to Robert :). Regarding making money online we need follow Robert’s advise.

    Nice post Gary 🙂 i have made money from textlink ads and adsense.
    Have never tried payperpost.

    1. In fact yes Shabnam i tried payperpost and in the last couple of months being very successful with it pay outs system is great only draw back to me is that the advertisers don’t really pay that big.

      1. I have used Sponsoredreviews and they used to pay a lot but nowdays with 50% commission it doesn’t suit me so left it.

  6. Make Money Online…undoubtedly one of the hottest topics today on the internet. And not to mention, even I am fascinated by the same. My journey to blogging began with the same motive – Make money online by any means. And what better than blogging. I was finding it impossible in the beginning but it was never to be. Very soon, I realized that I have to look for some of the best ways to make money online and I found it with the paid reviews. I made my first dollars writing paid reviews and the site which I joined for the same was There were many others but I was doing well with though the payout was less than $20/post. I was happy still. I also had adsense account but honestly, it never paid off. Its been 4 years now and I am still nowhere with adsense 🙁

    I also made some money online by placing paid links. So, as a whole…I really had a good experience with all these though it could have been better..I think. Anyways, I am not running after money now. If it has to come then it will come surely. Still, I need to be working for it 😀

    P.S – I have tried both adbrite and text-link ads. Both are good but I find text-link ads much better.

    1. You are right Aswani Text-link-ads are better in some way than Adbrite but the choice is yours adbrite always pays text-link-ads only pay for links sold while adbrite pay for displaying network ads

  7. I am not a big fan of Adbrite. They don’t pay very well and also have limited targeting capabilities. They don’t have the broad range of advertisers with deep pockets like Google Adsense does.

    1. Payperpost is not that bad with a minimum payout of fifty pounds however you can request payout at anu amount but will incur a two dollar fee. Thanks for your input

  8. Informative post……i can not use google adsense for my blog since it is on “Hacking”… im using “Kontera”……i will try ur suggested options in future….hope u will help me in tht……:)

    Thanks for sharing… 🙂

    1. I believe that Google Adsense has lost its touch still popular but because of its restriction and terms and condition some publisher may ten to shy away from it. This is just my opinion

  9. that is cool.. adbrite is the same with google.. but I prefer to have just one ads .. because sometimes ads are annoying.. especially when it includes pop ups..

  10. I think adsense is on of the easier ways to start making money online. Keep in mind the more ads you have the better your chances are in making the money that you want

  11. the only negative thing here is that most publishers believe that by selling text-links on your site Google may penalise your website ranking.”

    Are you talking about PR or google rankings?

  12. Thanks to posts like this one i manage to increase my income online a little by little every month for the last year, i hope to read more like this to earn more…!

  13. We haven’t installed any ads in our site. We still wanna make it clean. We’re only hitting around 50 visitors a day… 🙁

  14. Get great knowledge and offers to be successful with Adsense.You will learn how to start properly with AdSense and to not repeat mistakes to reach the desired result to you in very short time. With the right tools, and done the right way, any job can be done successfully.
    It helps, of course, to know exactly what you are doing and why it works. Without this knowledge, it is only to be expected that things will go a little wrong from time to time. Hence, if you want Adsense to work for you, you need to know how it works and why it works. That way you can make sure you get it right. Your future is determined by what you do today but not on what you do tomorrow!

  15. I think with adsense making money online has become an easier job.Initialy it does takes lot of time & patience but with time it start generating traffic and revenue.

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