Free PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript editor (IDE) – Codelobster PHP Edition


September 13, 2012 ,

Most of us as bloggers and website owners sometimes do our own coding or even modification of codes but not all of us has the right editor for the job we are doing. But have no fear there is a free code editor than will help you get the job done and that is code lobster php edition a very handy tool to help edit your PHP,HTML,CSS and JavaScript. The best part is it is free and you can get the upgrade for a reasonable price. The other benefit is that it is available in these languages English, Russian, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese.You can download the software here is the download link Free PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript editor (IDE) – Codelobster PHP Edition.

For valuable work on creation of sites you need a good comfortable editor necessarily. There are many requiring paid products for this purpose, but we would like to select free of charge very
functional and at the same time of simple in the use editor – Codelobster PHP Edition .

free php code editor

Let us consider some important possibilities and advantages of this program:

  • All code highlights depending on a type, the also mixed code is thus supported,
    so the area of HTML will be highlighted as HTML, PHP as PHP, and Javascript as Javascript in a the same file.
    Thre is possibility of choice from color schemes, including popular IDEs.
  • Powerful autocompletion for HTML, PHP, CSS and Javascript, including HTML5 and CSS3.
    For PHP the structure of project is fully recognized, and the complete list of methods falls out in the proper places.
  • HTML/CSS inspector on the type of Firebug, which allows easily to correlate the selected elements of
    page with a code and proper style.
  • Context help on all supported languages. By pressing F1 key the page with detailed description for current tag, attribute or function will be opened.
  • PHP debugger. PHP debugger allows to execute PHP scripts incrementally, watching the values of all
    variables in every line.
  • SQL manager allows to produce all necessary actions with a database – to add, delete, edit a structure
    and records in tables, to export data, execute SQL queries. Highlighting and autocompletion works for SQL files also.
  • Support of FTP allows to work straight with a remote server and to do all necessary changes with files;
  • The portable option allows to use editor without the preliminary installation.
  • Other useful utilities: pair highlighting, possibility of blocks selection, collapsing,
    tooltips, navigation on descriptions of functions and included files at withholding of the key of CTRL,
    viewing of structure of files and project, preview in a browser, book-marks, and all other standard
    possibilities for work with a code.

Also there are special plugins for work with

  • CMS: Drupal, Joomla
  • PHP frameworks: CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Symfony, Yii
  • JavaScript libraly: JQuery
  • WordPress blogging engine
  • Smarty template engine
0 thoughts on “Free PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript editor (IDE) – Codelobster PHP Edition”
  1. Sometimes i am getting problem when writing my codes and the best part in this editor is i can do it easily and its free.Hope it will get something good out of it.

  2. That good post. Nice more if it is available in Vietnamese language. Make sure i have got good comfortable editor necessarily

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