Blog Marketing For Money


January 3, 2012 , ,

Blog marketing is something that most everyone is doing that owns a blog. You are going to find that many of them are blogging for money, and many are not. The numbers really vary and depend on what you are looking at. If you are wanting a home business that consists of blog marketing, then you would be blogging for money. However, if you just have a blog that you use to write your thoughts and journal more or less, you are probably not blogging for money. Everyone blogs for a different reason.

Blog marketing to make money means that you are simply blogging for a profit. If you are going to make an amount of money that will add up to become anything, you need to be persistent, and consistent. To do so there are some things as well as techniques and tools that you must know and know how to use. Keep reading for more. While good content is something that you will need for your blog to make money, you also want to ensure that it is original content as well. You can market a blog with something that is copied and that you do not own the rights. Plagiarism will get you in trouble with Google as well as the person that originally wrote the content. Be sure that all of your posts are ones that only you own the rights too. This is a great thing to know and do when you are marketing your blog to make money. Content is the key to successful marketing lately.

Tracking is another part of blog marketing for money that is so very important. You want to be
able to track your visitors and clickers to know where they are coming from. You want to be
able to tell what keywords they searched on to find your blog and where they did their
searching. Doing so will help take out all of the guess work when it comes to blog marketing
and making money while blogging. You will want to know what keywords are working, and
which are not. So that you will know which keywords to use more of and which ones to drop.

Another thing that is important when you are blog marketing for money is to find other sites and blogs that are in the same market as yours, but not in direct competition with you to exchange links with. This will help you out a lot as well, especially if you can get some good exchanges with high authority sites. The higher the page rank of your link exchange, the better for your blog. Google and the other search engines will recognize your link exchanges, and the more the better in this case.

Blog marketing for money can be done. You just simply have to know what works and what
does not. It is truly a trial and error basis. If you think you might know of a new way to market
your blog the most effectively, try it! You just never know if it will work for you until you do.
Then if you find something that works and works well, consider making it in to an eBook and
marketing that as well. You will have the know how, it is just a matter of using it.


60 thoughts on “Blog Marketing For Money”
    1. Blog Marketing can be time consuming however if we want to earn from our blog we need to put the time and effort in and i am glad you like the post.

    1. You are right Shabnam good quality content should never be compromised afterall that is what our readers expect and we should continue to give it to them. Your comments are always welcome.

  1. I know a lot of people blogging for money and for fun as well. But for Marketing, this is the first time I have heard of this…

    1. Well glad to know that this post teaches something new and by the way welcome to my blog and thank you for taking the time to add your voice to the debate.

    1. Can’t is a word that really means i am to lazy to do it put your mind to it and you will achieve just try writing about a topic you are familiar with and you will see the diference.

  2. While creating content is important, marketing ones site and improving visibility are equally important. One cannot ignore either of them.

    1. You are right Raj Marketing is something we should never ignore we need traffic to our blogs website so we should use every available resources to get it. Thanks for your comment and have a great year.

  3. I’m also very interested in making money online and I think this has great potential. I actually resisted the temptation to buy one of these Sapphire Rings for myself this xmas so I can save my money for my own online money making web site 🙂 Hope this will work. And I completely agree with Raj’s comment here marketing ones site and improving visibility are extremely important.

    cool blog! keep up the great work!

  4. Mos of the blog which i have observed or follow are generating revenue from adsense advertising or affiliated with other kind of advertising network. But now it is necessary to have professional writing skills if you really want to have good business revenue and good traffic and you must be capable of blogging about topics which have high demand or popularity.

  5. Hi Gary,

    Wish you a very happy new year
    I feel that content is the topmost thing that works for a blog. We may market, SEO etc. That might bring in the visitors but the only thing that make them come again and again is the content.
    So we need to devote a higher % of our time to building content and then only to the rest.

    Great points 🙂

    1. Hi Ashvini i do hope that this year will be more successful than the one gone by send my regards to the family and you are totally right Content is the key thing that works for a blog the old saying still live on “Content is King”. Thanks for your input.

  6. Everyone can write own thoughts at own blog and make money through this blog. You can add some advertising like Google Adsense to the blog…

  7. Passion is very important in blogging. When you love what you are doing everything else will just follow.

    1. Passion is a factor all bloggers should have and committment and patience will always leads to success. Thanks for your comment and all the best for the new year.

  8. That is great!Thank you, your blog is very informative.
    We are a dental laboratory in China und Outsouring dentallab too. Especially in the areas of dental implant technology is very mature. We have many foreign customers.
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  9. Actually, the way to make money out of your blog, is just.
    Not trying to do that.

    Only legit blogs that don`t seem like the only reason the were opened were to make money, success and bring a large amount of money.

  10. Good post.Blogs are a great way to communicate and experience the Web,if used correctly.Blog marketing is one of the most powerful and effective marketing tools available to businesses.I really appreciate your work.Thanks for sharing with us.

  11. I think one of the best habits that anyone can get into with blogging is to follow a routine! If you have a plan and a routine laid out there’s a much higher chance that you will actually get stuff done!

  12. Hi Gary

    So many blogs in the making money niche are not making money themselves. I am glad I actually have physical products to sell.

    You have skills and a service so that’s a plus too. And also as you rightly point out; having original content is so important.

    Churning out same old, same old fluff just won’t cut it these days. Too many savvy people out there who can see through it.

    Enjoyed the post. Thanks for sharing.

    Patricia Perth Australia

    1. Very good point.

      People getting started should think about the things that make them stand out from everyone else in the world. Not how well then can emulate or copy someone else.

      Taking a age old service like lawn service and integrating a website can make an amazing difference.

  13. I tried and tried but blogging is just not my cup of tea. I have failed a couple of times and thought to myself that it might just not be for me. I do hope that I will be able to find my niche soon and be able to do it successfully.

    1. Blogging is not your cup of tea well that may be true but it could also means that you are not patience enough to be successful and or you are blogging in the wrong niche.

  14. wow, so much comments already 🙂 Gary, Happy New Year man, I wish you all the best in your work, blogging career, life, health and everything you put your mind to.

    Have a great 2012.

    As for the topic, well, like you said, the reason we are blogging directly influences the methods we use for marketing. promotion of physical products on a blog is done differently than promotion of services and skills, so its a matter of practice, testing and perseverance…

    1. Hi Zarko thanks for stopping by and i do hope that this year 2012 will bring you success and best wishes to the family and for taking the time to add you voice to the debate looking forward to hearing from you more in the near future.

  15. Interesting article and looks to me useful resource. Good marketing strategies makes your profit much high on a top peak.

  16. Hey!
    Very nice article you wrote. Blogging is a way through which we are in touch with each-other , with the help of sharing our thought on any individual topics. But the new thing in your blog is that, It’s also a way to make money is quite interesting.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Anni first of all welcome to my blog and have a wonderful 2012 blogging does provides a medium for interaction and at the same time allows us to make money from it but it requires hard work and patience.

  17. Nice post . I guess all the bloggers on the web are there for only money reason . except few of them .

    1. Making money from your blog will only help you to maintain it and at the same time earning from what you are doing. Thanks for taking the time to add your voice to the debate here.

  18. You have to have a niche of your blog. Like insurance niche, car niche, health niche, technology niche, entertainment niche, self-help niche. There are lots of niche. Just think of what most people are searching. Chances are those most search people are the ones being blogged by bloggers so it will be saturated and it is hard to compete. Hard work and right knowledge is needed to succeed and also perseverance.

  19. interesting post and looks to me useful source. Good promotion techniques creates your gain much higher on a top higher.

  20. I like this post. We actually have the similar blogging resolutions for 2012. I’ve decided to write more high quality and informative contents and double the effort in SEO and all sorts of Internet marketing.

  21. Hi Gary. First a happy new year to you 🙂

    I think you pointed some very important aspects when someone decides to blog for money or not. Actually, IMO, most of the time, all blogs (at least the new ones) are in it in the hopes to try and make money out of it. Like you said though, if that is the case, then it should be noted that it is not an easy ride and determination and hard work is required to make anything decent. The competition is fierce and standing out from the rest is difficult, however, with the right mindset, like you said, it can be done…

  22. Great post. Blog marketing is essential for the money makers. While I haven’t been putting much efforts for the same, I have been making sure that the content remains fresh and of highest standard, If you are able to keep the content same then I think it gets marketed automatically…I must say virally. Instead of putting any extra efforts like link exchange, social media submissions…I have been busy making use of blogging networks like to get the right exposure for my blog and honestly, it has worked out for me to a great extent. Finally, I feel…it is not about putting any extra efforts. It is all about following the basics where your content has to be of highest standard and your blogging must be rightly focused on your niche. You will get the results then..!

  23. Blog marketing is really one of the best things that people can do whenever they need to market something..It is really a big help…Thanks for the great post then…

  24. I used to run a music website and used musical instrument affiliates. As my site became popular online I would make on average $200-400 from my affiliate links. I think the whole key is to offer people who are visiting your website or blog great content. Without great content you won’t make as many sales. For example on my website I offered free music lessons and used affiliate links within my lessons to get my website users to click. I would promote music lesson products, DVDs, and other lesson materials.

  25. Blog marketing is definitely a big help to a business and a lot of people are already receiving its benefits…

  26. Thanks for the tips about blog marketing. I was confused about what blog marketing was and how to be successful at it.

  27. This is really good information which you shared us threw to your post. Blog marketing is really helpful to you when you get to shop something. The main important thing which you raise here that blog marketing will make a money which means just make a profit in your blog and i really support this one.

  28. Very informative and useful post. This will help a lot to me as a new one in blogging. This idea enhances my capability. Thanks for sharing this and its a very big help for me..

  29. You have to have a niche of your blog. Like insurance niche, car niche, health niche, technology niche, entertainment niche, self-help niche. There are lots of niche. Just think of what most people are searching. Chances are those most search people are the ones being blogged by bloggers so it will be saturated and it is hard to compete. Hard work and right knowledge is needed to succeed and also perseverance.

  30. This is such a revealing post. I learnt so many things from your article. Many people are get so many helps about economically from blog marketing. That information you provide threw to your post it is really help to make money from blog marketing.

  31. There is a lot of money to be earned by marketing through blogging and general SEO. With a communication tool as broad as the internet, there are so many people that you can reach by creating interesting and relevant content.

  32. Indeed, blogging is a good way to generate income from the Internet. But if you find it hard to do like if you are not so sure about your writing skills, there are other ways to make money online that you can try. Such is the beauty of internet marketing!

  33. I am often to blogging and i actually admire your content. The article has really peaks my interest. I am going to bookmark your web site and preserve checking for brand spanking new information.

  34. It is not easy to make money by blogging. I think it needs a lot of passions and writing skills and techniques . I am not into blogging directly but merely see myself as a provider of useful contents in niche markets for promoting and pre-selling products which I am affiliated with. I am happy to come across this post which is informative and useful in guiding me in the process of promoting my affiliate products and services.

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