Building a Brand through Web design


September 21, 2011 , ,

When people talk about their marketing and communication strategies they often get confused with the words “marketing”, “branding” and “advertising”. Branding is not advertising and not marketing. Brand can be a name, slogan, design, symbol, or any element that embodies an organization or a company’s product or service as different and unique from those of other company. A brand is the idea or representation of a specific product or service that consumers connect with, by recognizing the name, logo, slogan, or design of the company who owns the idea or image. Branding is also called as the trademark. Branding should be done before you step in the marketing and advertising phase of your company’s products or service.

Branding is essential to every business’ long term success. Studies have proven that marketing products without building a solid trademark are more likely to be unsuccessful and do not get its return of investment. Focusing mainly in advertising and marketing and skipping the significance of branding to your company’s success is a big waste of money and efforts.

Advertising and marketing experts work hard on branding not only to build brand recognition, but also establish good reputations and a set of standards to which the company should strive to sustain or exceed. Branding is an important part of online marketing, as branding allows companies to build their reputation as well as attain success and add to the returns accumulated by the original brand.

Most companies today, whether big or small, utilize the power of internet in establishing a good brand. The web is an excellent environment to build your brand, so it is important to consider branding when creating your website. Make sure you employ different techniques to make it powerful and effective. There are companies who use website in establishing a good brand but there are still few details to work on before you could achieve a successful brand.

The choice of a good colour scheme is necessary when building a website for your brand. Colour is not just aesthetics — it kindles various emotions and carries with it subconscious associations to different things and attribution. Make certain that your website possess a character. In still your brand with a little personality to help you render what it stands for. Form your brand’s character towards something which your target audience will like to associate them with. Moreover, Emotion is another aspect to consider when building your brand. Constructing the aesthetics of your web design should not be about conforming to the latest design trends. It should be about the emotions and ideas that you want your brand to project. In building a successful brand you need to make it recognizable and unforgettable.

Consistency throughout your website design will be influenced by the choices you have made earlier with regards to the right character for the brand and inducing the appropriate emotions. Keep consistent colours, visuals and typography throughout the design to ensure your website create a uniform image.

Furthermore, it is customary that logo design is positioned in the upper left area of the website certainly because that is the spot where most people look at to see what site they are on. You also have to ensure that your logo is visible enough to get noticed and attract visitor’s attention. Lastly, your web design has to be unique so you will stand out among your competitors. By having a unique image you will not only stand out from your competitors, you’ll be more easily recognized by the people which means a better chance that your visitors will keep on coming back for more.

Author Bio:

Noel Addison Agnote is working as an internet marketer for more than 2 years. He is a part of NDIC, a web design company whose dedication is to build quality websites and help your business build a good online presence.

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61 thoughts on “Building a Brand through Web design”
  1. I agree Web designing is a great tool to inter-prate any thing especially for online representation. It can be very healthy for the branding of any product. You can make your reflection attractive in the minds of people through your web pages design and layout and design them in a way that give professional feel about your product or services. You wrote great article.

    1. Thanks John. But if you fail to create an effective and usable design for your business, your website can cause a catastrophe to your business. A poorly designed website could also mean bad reputation for a company.

  2. These tips are great, thank you. It is so important to be unique if you want to make a success, especially in a ‘saturated’ niche.

    Another easy way to be unique is to let your personality shine through in your communications.

  3. I agree, too many people do think of branding and advertising as the same thing. Developing a good brand is a long term process filled with patience, consistency and sincere effort. Many get impatient or try to mimic others and that ends up backfiring on them.


  4. Actually, I think visuals and graphics such as one’s webdesign is a really effective way to brand. More often I can see a web design and immediately recognize what webpage it is. Also, with the google preview features it’s really important to have a recognizable theme in a smaller thumbnail scale.

  5. Noel,

    Here here! Some great advice here. Increasing my graphics and site “look” has been something I have been trying greatly to improve in recent weeks.

    Pictures are worth a thousand words and the “look” of a site can turn people off before they read a single work.

    It is all about putting your best foot forward!

  6. I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I find your site so interesting and helpful. I hope I have much time each day to drop by and check your site for recent post. By the way I really appreciate the effort for sharing this.. Thank you..

  7. I agree with everything you said, but creating a brand name is sort of a lengthy process. Regarding the design of a website, I do agree that the design matters but what matters most to some people is the speed with which you can access the website, so if you are working on the design of your site, instead of trying hard to make it all fancy but it takes a long time to load, it’s wiser to work on making the page load quicker.

    1. Yes, part of being a good website design is its accessibility and usability. The aesthetics of a website alone is useless if people cannot use it for their advantage.

  8. It is always taking a bit of time to sort out colours, logos avatars etc right at the start of a project – because it is so difficult to change them all further down the line.

  9. I agree that while design can build a brand name for you but too many avatars, widgets etc., can sometimes slow down the speed of downloading your website and therefore a perfect optimization of design should be focussed on so that you ultimately get faster speed as well.

  10. Great post. I came to know a lot from the same. I think I can follow all these tips to develop a brand from my own site. I have been quite successful with the same. Hopefully, I can have a much better brand in the times to come..!

  11. Very awesome information , this is both good reading for, have quite a few good key points, and I study some new stuff from it too, thanks for sharing your awesome info.

  12. Great tip on emotion as an important aspect. I agree on creating a brand that will create a good impression on the clients. Being consistent about the brand would also help customers recognizing it and remembering it.

  13. Welcome and thanks Steve, reeha, Melanie, Richard, Jean, Ana and john for your inspiring comments!

    -Noel Addison

  14. Impressive article about web designing… I agree Web designing is a great tool to interpret any thing especially visuals and graphics for online representation.

  15. I use a few of these and I am doing quite well thanks for the add information.It’s always a pleasure to see what you come up with next.

  16. I’d like to add that in order to be recognized and in order for your brand to succeed, you mustn’t change it.

    I think that it’s a big mistake to try and improve a brand that has already been having success. That will only confuse people that already know you and shake their trust.

    1. Absolutely, that is the reason why timelessness of the design is considered when conceptualizing a design for a logo or for your website.

  17. Branding does have a lot to do with the logo, and making sure your over-all designs for everything, whether print or online, jive with the initial logo design. It’s important to create a specific vibe that exists in all your promotional material (a la the king of this: Apple).

    1. A logo is very important representation of your company and a great tool to make people recognize you among your competitors.

  18. Brands are very important as they help you win customers and they also help you to keep them . They do this by awakening the associations and experiences you previously had with the brand , or have seen through advertising , when you come into contact with the brand at key stages .

  19. What we’ve learned about creating a good and long-lasting branding is that you should not redesign your website as often as possible (but only when necessary). Redesigning your website once in a year or three years would discourage some visitors because of its changeability. Although it is good to have a new design, still, you have to look into the kind of adjustment your current customers will be making. It will always feel like they’re learning how to navigate and use your website all the time.

  20. John, I agree with you and indeed designing of a website can significantly change your marketing approach and well designed site can definitely bring in more revenue.

    1. Having an effective website for your business is a great means of reaching out to your customers and it is a cost-effective marketing approach.

  21. Web design is important as it plays a vital role in bringing more visitors again and again because of its attractive look. an attractive design also effects on bounce rate also.

  22. A brand isn’t just a symbol or logo. It is an amalgamation of your core values and beliefs. Through branding, your clients know your values, what you believe in designing.

    1. Exactly! Your brand embodies you or your business’ core values and beliefs. Symbols and logo are just representation of your brand.

  23. Branding is not only logo design or your special product image design, branding is uniqueness of your product, your website design, your business logo, your presentation style in website. so one thing at last that you should have uniqueness in your website designing.

  24. Appearance of the site is also very important factor apart from the content…..good appearance attracts people…..

  25. yeah when you have clear objective of branding of your business through massive online promotion and advertisement, design of the website plays key role. We have to think beyond the common specific standard of web design have to think differently to circulate the brand name through web design. Special care must be taken and design must speak of its brand name.

  26. The Design is key factor of any website.
    The first look goes on the your design , The good design is that which holds the capabilities to describes whole of your web application work done & as well as have the capability to attract users.
    Thanks for sharing the informative one post.

  27. There is simply so, so much emphasis placed on brand identity in terms of an online presence in this day and age. If I am considering hiring a business, I’ll first and foremost visit their site. If it is underdone or lacking in some way, it seriously impacts on my opinion of the organisation. Even in cases where I’ve met and liked their representatives, the website has turned me off. It is now an essential cornerstone to successful business and should be your #1 priority!

  28. Hi very informative and interesting post. For brand building through web design, having a good taste in colors and playing with them or making the useless picture into an appealing advertising stuff is an art. Thanks for sharing such a great post.

  29. The importance of search engine optimization is embedded in the online community. As a student you search for academic, information, entertainment, movies, games and much more though Google, Bing and Yahoo

  30. Really informative sharing.Thanks for it.A professionally-designed website has the best opportunity at maintaining the company brand image.Your website is one of the best brand tools you can use.A great website design will keep visitors stick in until he makes a purchase.

  31. It’s imperative to build a brand, even if it isn’t a stiff upper lip biz establishment. It could be a grungy skateboard company for all you know but the idea of a brand is ancient. Even religions as we know them use the concept of a brand and logo very successfully. For example the Cross in Christianity is repeated every where from the churches to talismans and even the swords of the Knights Templar were modeled to resemble crosses. Such is the power of a brand and thank you for highlighting the various aspects that make a bold brand with recall in the fickle minds of today’s information overloaded brain.

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