Should you buy Android 3.0?


June 17, 2011 , , ,

androidI just bought a Tablet with Android 3.0 operating system, also called Honeycomb. When I bought the device I didn’t know that I was in for some surprises. Fortunately things worked out for me well in the end. But those of you who want to buy a Tablet with Android 3.0, there are some things which you must know before jumping into it. Android is an emerging technology that is growing day by day and has become very popular over the years i used it on one of my phone. The beauty of Android is that it has so many compatible Apps for it both paid and free.

Support for MicroSD card

One of the first established brands which supported Android 3.0 tablet was Motorola with its Zoom offering. This tablet does not support MicroSD card which is because the Android 3.0 operating system did not support it at that time. This meant that you were dependant on the in-built memory. This by itself would have been bearable but things could turn ugly if you find that some apps just won’t work without a MicroSD card. Either you make do with the limitation or find other suitable apps from the Android marketplace.

The new Tablets with Android 3.0 have started supporting MicroSD cards. But beware. Not all Tablets with a MicroSD slot support the device. You have to check to make sure that your Android 3.0 tablet works properly with the card. There are many tablets out there which give trouble while mounting MicroSD card. The problem seems to appear of a sudden and disappear as quickly, making it a frustrating experience.

Android 3.0 is only for Tablets

This means you cannot use Android 3.0 Tablet as a mobile device. It has Wi-Fi or 3/4 G which means you can connect to the internet with the Tablet. This is a move which I find a trifle strange. Google claims that there is a divergence in their design for mobiles and Tablets. This is to capitalize on the bigger real estate (screen) provided by Tablets. When you realize that the Android 3.0 chief developer is from Tablet background, you know why this change in design has come about. But I am not impressed especially when I see equally large screens on mobile devices which also double as tablets.

The Android 3.0 app market

The much touted Android market is patchy at best. The downloads crash many times. When you do successfully download an app you find that many don’t work. When apps work you find that they are poor in quality. I just didn’t feel like buying any app after my initial experience.

What is good about Android 3.0 Tablet?

Of course this Tablet worked for me because of four important reasons.

1. Firstly, I could browse the internet quite nicely with this device. The connectivity is great and I experienced smooth navigation.

2. I liked the user interface which is intuitive and well designed.

3. My Android 3.0 tablet is great for reading EBooks. I can read Pdf and word documents nicely. The writing is legible and I can adjust the font size. My wife no longer fights with me when I read in bed. It feels almost like reading a book.

4. Lastly, an Android 3.0 tablet is far far cheaper than other devices like iPad. Probably, this is the most important feature of an Android 3.0 device. It is affordable and works quite nicely. It may not be as fancy as an iPad, though.

This is a guest post contributed by a passionate blogger and tech geek, Pavan who likes to write about technology, Link Building Service and SEO service.

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17 thoughts on “Should you buy Android 3.0?”
  1. Nice and interesting. Well, I recently purchased Samsung Galaxy S Android based Smartphone and honestly speaking, I am just loving it. Though it supports Android 2.2 and being a bit unstable at times, it hasn’t been a big concern at all till date. The phone does more than enough for me and really, I am not in a mood to go for anything like Tablets after having such phone.

    Anyways, thanks for sharing your feedback about Android 3.0. Very useful…!

    1. Thanks Aswani Android is fast becoming a technology to the forefront of technology gone were the days when everything was surrounded by Microsoft. Who knows what Android will be powered next.

  2. Thanks for your suggestions,I will to buy a Android 3.0 phone,I can make a desion after reading your view

    1. Thanks for your input i am happy to know that the post was of some benefit to you how it helps you to make a decision now or in the near future. You input here is much appreciated.

    1. Thanks Shabnam for taking the time to add your voice to the debate i too is not much of an Android fan although i have a phone powered by Android just trying to keep up with technology.

  3. I love Android and its features. I have Galaxy tab which has large number of features surpassing the ipad. And it has got micro SD support too. All the apple fanboys can say is “Apple is the best”: but I do not work for either companies and when I look objectively, I find iphone interface as old compared to Android.

    Technically Android has a forward looking, notification based architecture which makes it easier for apps to handle the notifications they receive.

    Last, I hate to jailbreak any device instead preferring the device to give me all the freedom. Who wants to work as a servant of Mr. Steve.

    Android is a robust youngster and by the time it matures iphone will be dead as a fly
    Sorry for the rant ,Gary.
    Best regards,

    1. No need to be sorry Ashvini this is a place for discussion and the sharing of ones thoughts constructive criticism is always welcome here and as you rightly said Android is a youngster and it has lots of potential.

  4. Hi!
    here are a lot of people who have knowledge about Android, I just wanna ask them then should I prefer a Netbook with Android or not?

    1. Android is a growing technology without a doubt and as bloggers and online entrepenuers we need to know about these technology as who knows we might need them at some point.

  5. I still love my blackberry smartphone but I know Anroid is nice too especially with all the new applications that they are offering.

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