Round Up


February 26, 2011 , ,

It is Sunday and the time has come to feature Round Up i must mentioned that last Sunday 20 February 2011 i have one of bloggers biggest nightmare my website cpanel was hacked and my website set up for redirection luckily my database was intact and i had a backup copy on my local hard drive. The hacker deleted all my WordPress files which include my customized Thesis theme. Well i managed to contact the web host and had everything sorted within two hours. Well this will never deter me from blogging however i am looking at moving web host in the near future. As i mentioned before it is Sunday so lets get back to Round Up.

(1) Are microblogging services like Twitter, Facebook becoming better alternatives to traditional blogging ? – A thing or say, a theory which has often been debated – Social sites like Facebook or twitter can be better alternative to traditional blogging. Traditional blogging here refers to the usual blogging where you either have an option to host your blogs directly from your own sites or you also have an option to go for sites like WordPress or Blogger for the same. The latter has gone big like anything.

(2)Facebook vs Google – Only the paranoid survives – As I look at the Facebook VS Google race that is going on today, I recall something.I read a book sometimes back called as “Only the paranoid survive” by Andy Grove. In the book Andy talked about how Intel faced intense competition but managed to came out as winner all the times. Leaving aside the controversies, Intel is the champion of personal computing. It had its fair share of competition with Motorola, Japanese Manufactures and then finally with AMD

(3)Link Building Guide – How to Approach Webmasters for a Link – Now we are getting something, the next part of this link building guide, how to approach webmasters for a link. The time when you could send a direct link request, for a one way link, a link exchange or whatever, is almost good and gone. You can get lucky from time to time, but that is not the way to do things. In order to get a link you either need to know the person in some way or have something to offer them.

(4)Increase Your Affiliate Sales By Communicating With Your Merchants – A short time ago, one of my readers mentioned that they were able to gain more sales and promote more effectively after contacting the merchant. I thought I would elaborate on that because it is a great way to increase your affiliate sales. Lots of people overlook this method and it’s not only a way to increase sales but you’ll also save yourself some time and frustration.

That is it for this week Round Up and remember you still have the opportunity to make Round Up Bigger and better by sending me some valuable links from around the world wide web. Please remember sharing is caring.


15 thoughts on “Round Up”
  1. Nice round up bro. I am glad to see my link there again. Thanks so much for liking the post. Hope it made sense to all my readers. Keep writing and have a nice week ahead 🙂

    1. Thanks Aswani you keep writing those interesting posts it will always be featured in “Round Ups” your post was great thanks for your comment much appreciated.

  2. Hello Gary,

    Thank you very much for putting my link on your blog. I really appreciate it. Also this is a great list for the roundup.

    Thanks again,

    1. Thanks Ashvini your post was great and i started Round Up just to feature post like these in my weekly Round ups glad that you are happy to see your post here.

    1. Thanks Shabnam i do hope you find these post interesting and of some benefit to you and your readers. It is always great to have you commenting here.

    1. Thanks Nicola glad to know that you bookmark the pages for further readings i do hope that you find them inetresting and of benefit to you and also your readers.

  3. Hi Gary,
    Thanks for sharing with us your Sunday round up! Just finished reading #2 (Facebook and Google) and #3 (Link Building Guide). Going to read the other posts next!

    1. Those two are some brilliant post to read link building guide is something we do as bloggers at some point or the other. Thanks for your comment Felicia.

  4. Great roundup Gary, however I am more interested in what happened to you rather than anything else. First, I am glad that you sorted out one of the biggest nightmares of a blogger. Second, and if you don’t mind, what “backup” plugins or other software or service are you using. Thirdly, did you not have a backup of your customized Thesis theme? I am asking you all this because this is an important issue and something that can happen to anyone.

    1. Thanks for the comcern Ditesco and with your third question i always keep a backup copy of my themes files and database on my local machine unfortunately to say that i was targeted and even my other site was hacked.

  5. Hello Gary,
    A good collection of posts. I was sorry to hear about your site being hacked. Why do they do it? I delved deeper into your roundup article (4) about increasing affiliate sales. Obviously, the advice about contacting the actual supplier can only be done where the ad space is dedicated to one supplier. It can’t be done with Adsense where hundreds of suppliers bid for ad spaces. So, you never know who the supplier will be from one hour to the next.

    1. Hi Russell first thanks for your comment and for taking the time to add your voice to the debate i have come out of the attack fine because the database was not touched however i have a backup copy of my files and themes on my Usb stick.

  6. Great roundup there Gary! Each topic is really interesting and useful. I could relate on Number 4 because I’ve proven it myself. Communication is an important task because it establishes rapport and trust. Lots of time could also be saved because you are already aware of what you need to do without hesitation.

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