3 Content Writing Tips


September 14, 2010 , , ,

Writing is a must for all bloggers and Content is the King, but how do you write a compelling content one that attracts you readers. Any one can write unless he or she lacks mobility or simple just not interesting in writing. The point here is not just writing but writing worthwhile content is another matter, I strongly believe that there are three elements in your content that if you get that right your content will be a kick ass content. Paying attention to these three particular area in no doubt will make your content worth its weight in goal, they are The headline, The Body and the summary. We will look at these individually.

The Headline

This is your first point of call to action your headline is what sells your article, this is the first line the readers reads and if it is interest them then the rest is taken care of. Don’t get me wrong sometimes the headlines of an article is crap but the content is fabulous, but who would know? Speaking from past experience writing compelling headline is your best bet. There are many ways to write a compelling headline, you can do it by Asking a question, or my favourite is been thought provoking. The method that works best is the one that fits your writing style.

The Body

This is the second most important part of your content this is where readers get the information from, your article body should be informative and elaborate the headline. Take for example if you are asking a reader to sign up to a newsletter, this is where you sell the visitor the benefits of signing up. Remember you should give as much information as possible here. You might want to start by a way of giving some introduction before going into full details. Trying using sentences and write in paragraphs and most of all try and engage the reader, now lets move on to the final step.

The Summary

it is always good practice to summarise your content for your readers this serves as a refresher. some readers get lost during reading especially if the post was a lengthy one. Summarising your article only serves to remind the reader of what they have just read by putting this in a nut shell. There you have it the three most important points to remember when writing your article, get this right and you are on your way to writing a kick ass post for your readers. These three points I just shared with you is what I have learnt from my blogging experience by no means am an expert here I am just an avid blogger trying to change the internet one blog at a time. Now you have come this far feel free to speak your mind and sharing is caring. Thanks for taking the time out to read this.


40 thoughts on “3 Content Writing Tips”
  1. You are right on all three accounts, and each one of these is equally important. I mean in order to get the maximum effect of the articles all three of these elements must be at their best.

    I can’t say that one is more important than the other as lacking each one of these can be critical, well, maybe the summary can be here and there , but the title and the content in the body need to be top notch.

    I for one will not read an article that doesn’t have a compelling title, and if I find that the articles has nothing to say I will stop reading it, so I will never get to the summary at all. Listen to Lawmac and follow these three steps, first a great title, than useful content in the body, just to be sure everyone is on the same page, repeat the main points in the summary or make your final point there!

    PS. Sorry for the long comment 🙂

    1. Thanks Zarko you have summarise this post very well catchy headline and excellent content is the best way to go attract your readers and then give them the good content

  2. Really very informative post…….Well its True that Content is the King of any website.The above three elements which you have mention about writing effective content are very useful for any website to achieve good search engine ranking and make your site search engine friendly so that Google bot easily index or crawl your site.

    1. Thanks and glad you found the post useful and seen that this is your first time here i do hope to see you here more often shring with the community.

  3. All great tips.

    Having a steady “voice” is important too. Something in your style of writing that hopefully over time some people will respond to.

    This is something that I think develops naturally over time as you get better at writing, but having a voice can be powerful.

    There are writers who you could strip the name off their article, Throw it in a pile with 9 other articles of the same topic and be able to pick THEIRS out of the pile.

    That is having a voice.

    For “trying” to get my voice I always try to think I am at a bar shooting the shit with my friends trying to explain my topic.

    Everyone has their own style but it is important (over time) to try to find your voice and make it stronger.

    1. Thanks Steve you made a valuable point here however never underestimate the power of your headline as i have mentioned in the article you sometimes have a crappy headline but the content is brilliant. thanks for your comment.

  4. I agree with your tips Gary, this what I mostly do as well, though with a twist more often than not. Well, here’s an idea of what’s on my checklist.

    1. compelling title
    2. short but sharp intro
    3. empathize with the reader
    4. educate the reader, give them something that they don’t expect to find there.
    5. give or suggest solutions
    6. a strong call to action

    well, that’s my writing pattern most of the time.

    1. Well said Jason compelling title is the best way to start your content having a great one that is half your battle won however we still need to feed our readers with wonderful body content.

  5. I guess I have been following all those points. Great post bro. Content is the king and therefore these points are really valuable for people like us who have been blogging like anything. Keep it up 🙂

    1. You are right content is king so in fact we need to feed the king thanks for your input and i do hope you enjoy your festival.

    1. Thanks Justin i am always trying to share my experience with the community and i am very glad that you find this article useful and inspiring.

  6. I’m really surprised that you didn’t title your post “3 Kick Ass Content Writing Tips”. 🙂

    All excellent tips and I know you always follow your own advice. Sometimes I feel as though I spend to much time on a headline and usually end up using what I had originally.

    You can’t go wrong following those 3 tips.

    1. Thanks Robert that would be an impressive headline you just mentioned hesdlines are very important whether it be a kick ass one are thoght provoking thanks for your valuable input here.Your support is so much appreciated.

  7. Consistency is also an important reminder for writers. You can’t write an “okay” article this day when you made a “kick ass” article yesterday.

    1. Hi Satyajit i really like your anology here The title is like a packaging it is done well then the product is sold out successfully food for thought for future comments thanks for your support.

  8. Yep, this is a great post. I agree with all those things. And I agree with one the commenters above, you should add an adjective to this post title!! What about The 3 Best Content Writing Tips or 3 Effective Content Writing tips!

    Either way, it’s good information and is going in my weekly link list.


    1. Point well taken Tia adding an objective to the post title would have given it more substance your comment will be taken on board Thanks for your input.

    1. You have mentioned a very important point there Peter Images tends to make your post more interactive. Wonderful point thanks a lot.

  9. Sorry, i could have said:

    aside from the content, the font, font size, highlighted (b, strong, em) should take into consideration. nice info! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  10. Great post Gary, are all important points, but creating an strong headline is very crucial, because today are shared tons of information on internet, and you need to be able to grab reader attention quickly.

    1. Thanks Nicola there are millions of articles out there and we need to stand out from the web in order to be seen therefore we need to get our headlines very attractive.

  11. The headline is the most important indeed. Sometimes the content is crap, rehashed stuff or not that useful but the title will just pull you in.

    1. Thanks for your input Paul we need to create strong and eye catching headlines is a great start to getting seen and attracting more visitors.

  12. These are only three but they are the only ones who get you traffic and readers.
    btw, I think you should turn off your Feedburner chicklet until n unless you get around 100 guys(It will surely increase your subscribers ).

    1. Thanks for your information on the feedburner chicklet i think the one at the bottom is not functioning properly Thanks for your input much apprecieated

  13. nice and informative post..actually content is one of the major factor of a website which move visitors to take action if contents will be attractive then definitely conversions will be met…thanks for such nice post.

    1. Thanks for your input content is really important for readers interaction but for design these are three main areas that we need to look at

  14. Great points! Your explanation with the introductory part made me laugh. It’s because I totally agree with you. There are some intro that is not worth reading so, for me, what I usually do is simply browse the post and find a sentence that will get my attention. In case there’s any, I’ll will read the whole post. Otherwise, I end up going out of that site.

    1. Thanks mike for the compliments and i am more than happy to know that you found the post interesting that you have decided to comment glad to have you here now and in the future.

      1. Thanks for your warm welcome! Yes, I’ll stay tune with your next post. I bet it would be as helpful as this one. Cheers!

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