3 Basic Search Engine Optimization Tips


December 12, 2009

As the internet becomes more competitive relying on Search engines for traffic has become more and more important in this post i am going to share with you a few important tips which can help with your site performance. I must warn you that while i share these tips with you i am not an expert in SEO nor am i working as a SEO consultant however following these steps could improve your website rankings in the major Search Engines without having to spend heavily trying to get your website optimized. If your are thinking along these lines then theoretically  you starting to optimize your website or blog.

(1)Make Your Website Visible and easy to Crawl – by this i meant make sure that you create a sitemap, check for broken links check your site structure make you website loads easily as we have heard that the speed at which pages loads could affect your Page Rank check the webmaster guidelines on this although search engines index your website it doesn’t hurt to manually submit your website to the search engines. DOMZ is a human edited directory and you can register your site there however you are not guaranteed any listing but it is good to be listed in DOMZ directory.

(2)Engage In Link Building This is a must if you are interesting in have a good Page Rank some webmasters believe that this is the single most important factor in achieving a high page rank the theory here is that Google value links pointing to your website and adds some credits to it this means that there is some relevancy to tour page or that your page is of importance hence that’s why it is been mentioned. You can gain Back links by making link request from other website or blog within your category. Another easy and simple way to engage in link building is by leaving comments on other blogs especially if the blog uses plug-in like commentluv .

(3)Using Keywords – i have written a previous post about keywords this is the most important factor that drives organic traffic from web surfers to our sites when every a surfer enters a word or term in their favourite search engines this returned a list of results if your site is fully optimized for these search terms and shows up on Google first page then there is a good chance that you will generate some visitors and last but not least be patient after implementing any changes especially chances that requires results you have to give it time to bear fruit good luck and happy optimizing.


36 thoughts on “3 Basic Search Engine Optimization Tips”
  1. The best of the three points you described above is they are FREE!

    The worst thing is that still not all website and blog owners use these three and free simple ways to improve their project.

    P.S. I was looking here on your blog to retweet this post, but could not find any retweet button. Without retweet button and further social media tools to leverage your work you miss a lot of additional free exposure!

  2. It is very useful post any SEO learner. There are many SEO techniques like Blog commenting,social bookmarking,directory and press release by which you can get quality one way link,

  3. This was a great post. People talk about SEO all the time, but this cuts out all the rubbish and breaks it down easily. I’m paying more attention to SEO now.

    SEO does take time, but is worth it for the residual traffic it can bring you compared to social media traffic.

  4. SEO is very important for bloggers/webmasters as it is for long term use and you need to be patient for the results.With link exchange you get backlinks to your blog , but link exchange should be done with caution as bad links can hurt your PR. Thanks, for this excellent post Gary 🙂 .

  5. Thanks for the reminder about bad links some believe Google penalize websites for seeling text-links i have a gut feelings because i had a pr4 blog then suddenly dropped to pr2 well need the links to monetize guess can’t win all the time

  6. Thanks theinfopreneur you have just made your first step in optimizing your site just by paying attention is a big step good luck and remember to be patient

  7. I totally agree with you and as you mentioned there are so many SEO techniques out there we need to choose the best one for our blog but be careful not to choose any black hat techniques these can and will get your website penalize

  8. Great post and tips, a great reminder for me to check for broken links. I really appreciate your posts I learn or am reminded of something new every time:)

  9. Once again, you’ve provided some very informative and useful tips. SEO plays a major role in having a successful website/blog.

    I’m not sure how much slow loading sites hurts PR but I come across many blogs that take forever to load and I end up leaving before seeing the content. They are usually loaded with images or worse…audio. If nothing else, those people are most probably losing loads of traffic.

    As you mentioned and I agree, CommentLuv is a fantastic plug-in for link building.

  10. Thanks Jenny for your wonderful comments which are always inspiring and encourages me to write more your support are always appreciated

  11. There was an article out that Google is about to include this in its PR ranking factor and as we know that relevancy and usability and as you have mentioned when a web pages takes long to load you would probably leave that site

  12. I second the part about being patient. Many people expect results overnight with SEO and they get frustrated when it foes not happen immediately. Being patient and slowly sowing the seeds of SEO success pays off long term

  13. Most of us know all these SEO tips but we dont follow it accurately. You also mentioned here about the sites which takes time to load hurts PR. Its new information for me. But I agree slow loading sites will not get good attention from the visitors.

  14. Seo and other trffic building stuff have become so complex now that we often forget these simple steps thanks for your input

  15. Check this out the news is out that come the new year the speed at which your website loads will become a part of the ranking factor

  16. Basic website thanks for your wonderful support when i write post i try to make it as simple as possible some the newbies does not find it difficult to understand

  17. Thank you for your nice post on SEO. I always like to read article on SEO. I think now a days google ranking system is changing. I see huge difference on ranking system on google.

  18. Thats true google ranking system changes regularly in one year alone it is alledged that google tweak it’s ranking system about 450 times

  19. Knowing how to use Keywords effectively was a great way to make your Seo Journey successful. Keywords are an important part of SEO. Unfortunately, many website owners overdo it. Keywords are one of the most important tools in ranking high on search engines. Abuse them and you will suffer the consequences. One huge mistake I see all the time is repeated keywords in the keyword tag. Always make sure you use your top keywords in the TITLE of your site as well as in the description tag. Better make sure not to load the title with keywords. These are the first places the engines will scan.

  20. Thanks for sharing such a useful search engine optimization tips.I must use these tips to increase my site performance and relevancy in search engine.The most important thing in a website is a content, keywords and linking,this is what we ask them “SEO factors”.

  21. Now a days,everyone looking for to create their own website and promote it over the internet.So SEO is a only way to do online promotion.But Most of people have no idea about SEO.In that case these type of blogs can be help better.I ll also share this blog post with my all froneds so that they can also learn some more about SEO.

  22. I’m really fortunate to be able to read this article as I’m a blog owner and very little I know about these SEO terms (really). Your suggestion on directory submission is a blessing for me, but I’m not sure I’ll be listed in DMOZ. But I must try for. Thanks for sharing some other important role in SEO.

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